Hot Mic Reveals Politicians/Media Know Covid-19 is Overblown – IOTW Report

Hot Mic Reveals Politicians/Media Know Covid-19 is Overblown

19 Comments on Hot Mic Reveals Politicians/Media Know Covid-19 is Overblown

  1. The USC and LA County Health study John Roberts mentions in this video was published 10 days ago, the same day the video was recorded.
    Didn’t the video with the 2 urgent care doctors quote those numbers?

  2. Right because we’re Lebanon or some other worthless banana republic.

    Just go nuts. Burn cars. Hang officials from lampposts. Create as much chaos as possible.

    I’m sure someone else will clean up that mess, right?

  3. “Just go nuts. Burn cars. Hang officials from lampposts. Create as much chaos as possible. ”
    And what do you suggest we do, continue to let them arrest us for protesting? Or just lie on our backs and let them put the boots to us?

  4. I too, am skeptical about how this is left up and not removed yet.

    It either means that the CIA is fucking with us or the government is fucking with us.

    Neither good. >>

  5. I would suspect that the WuHuFlu crew has been given “Convalescent plasma” from recovered victims.
    As I recall, that lasts a few weeks.


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