House Bill Proposed For Permanent 25th Amendment Committee – IOTW Report

House Bill Proposed For Permanent 25th Amendment Committee


Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.)—amid ongoing questions about President Trump’s health—announced Friday legislation to create a permanent Congressional committee that would determine if the 25th Amendment, which details the constitutional rules for presidential succession, should be invoked when a president is “unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office.” More

A number of observers are saying the new committee will be used to remove Biden (should be elected). Here and Here

25 Comments on House Bill Proposed For Permanent 25th Amendment Committee

  1. “…This is not about President Trump. He will face the judgment of voters. But he shows the need to create a process for future presidents,” Pelosi said…”

    Hell yes it’s about Biden. The democrat right hand shouts: “Look over here, we must remove Trump from office!” While the left hand whispers: “If Biden wins, we’ll have him compassionately and discretely removed from office – for the good of the globalists, er, I mean people,”

  2. The House is the most powerful part of the government — as long as it is held by Democrats. When the Republicans get control again, the Democrats who voted to give the House such powers will take those powers to court to get them removed.

    Maybe it is wishful thinking but it seems as if the Democrats know the tide has turned in the Republicans’ favor more than the Democrats cheating apparatus can overcome — and they know it.

  3. …we need an amendment that lets us remove crazy, elderly, obviously demented Democrats who say off-the-wall things and keep trying to remove a duly elected President for no reason other than he’s standing in the way of their imposing a Communist dictatorship before they die, you may be able to pass it by calling it the Pelosi Amendment, seeing as how the old hag is batshit crazy and may very well think it’s a complement…

  4. Left Coast Dan OCTOBER 10, 2020 AT 2:54 PM
    ” What president would sign his own death warrant?”

    …Joe Biden, if they manage the steal. He’s a dead pervert walking if he ever gets in and he KNOWS it, amendment or NO amendment…

  5. I assure you that when Trump wins that she thinks a Democrat House and Senate will invoke the 25th Amendment.

    Where’s the California Kidnapping Militia when you meed it.

  6. The Democrats can protect themselves from Republicans using it against them by simply electing a vice president that the Republicans will find more reprehensible that the president if he is removed.

    And don’t think they wouldn’t be doing that.

  7. @Cliche – even IF the dems win both chambers, but not the Presidency, I think that Pence still has to agree (i.e., sign on) to the invoking of the 25th. I don’t know this for a fact, but it would make sense, since he is a part of the process.

  8. I could see a situation where this brings the country to a halt and convinces the States to hold an Article V. Convention of The States, thereby shutting Congress down and writing a new Constitution.

    Go ahead, Nancy, make my decade.

  9. Poor Joey, sittin in the basement trying not to shit his pants.

    You would think that between Him & (Doctor?)Jill that one of them would have read their history books and know what the “Knight of the Long Knives” was in 1934 Germany considering the tactics that the left employs.

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