House Democrats’ Gun Control Unenforceable Without Firearm Registry – IOTW Report

House Democrats’ Gun Control Unenforceable Without Firearm Registry

Breitbart: The gun control currently being pushed by House Democrats is unenforceable without a national firearm registry.

On January 8, 2019, Breitbart News reported that House Democrats introduced legislation to criminalize private gun sales. They are using universal background checks as a means of criminalizing the sales, and they do not mention such checks are unenforceable without firearm registration.

Instead, the Democrats keep talking of how their bill will “prevent” or reduce “gun violence.”

Politico quoted Rep. Mike Thompson (D-CA) saying:

Since the shooting at Sandy Hook, the Gun Violence Prevention Task Force has been fighting for a chance to pass legislation that will help save lives. Finally, with our new majority that ran on helping to prevent gun violence, we will introduce a bipartisan, universal background checks bill. We will hold hearings, we will have a vote, and this legislation will finally pass the House.

But the reality is that universal background checks open the door to a gun registry inasmuch as the government has to know every gun owners’ name and the guns he or she owns in order for the checks to work.  more here

24 Comments on House Democrats’ Gun Control Unenforceable Without Firearm Registry

  1. Socialists and Communists don’t need authority.
    They don’t support the Constitution, believe in God or his divine rights. The State is the authority, provider and God.

  2. Back in 1993 the Liberal Party of Canada decided to create a national gun registry where all Canadians who owned a firearm would have to register it. They decided to start with long guns first (and shotguns as I recall) as those should have been the easiest to register. It was supposed to only cost around $100 million for the code and support systems and would pay for itself with registration fees charged to the gun owner. After a few years and estimates of 1 billion (at least) spent and an estimate of only 114 million in revenue it was still incomplete, buggy and was never used to solve a crime. It cost the Liberals the next election and was finally cancelled in 2012 by the new Conservative Party to the wailings of liberals everywhere.

  3. Guess what? A registry is not enforceable without egregious violations of 1A, 2A, 4A, & 5A rights. The stupid, loud, pink-hatted fat women are destroying this nation. They’re morons with tons of energy and chutzpah without nary a goddamn clue how life actually works, close to no wisdom at all.

  4. drugs cause many more deaths than guns
    register syringes, don’t give them out for free
    if ‘all life is sacred,’ set some priorities.

    and give the biggest bang to buck, the demo(n) donor

  5. If the objective is to save lives, how about shining a little sunlight on medical error deaths? The best estimate is that somewhere around a half million Americans die unnecessarily in hospital screw-ups every hear, more than 10 times traffic fatalities and 20 times more than non-suicide firearm fatalities.

  6. The reality is, if you bought a gun retail in the last 30 years, you are already on a registry (regardless of what the law says). Requiring background checks on private sales, and laws requiring reporting of gun loss or theft, are the final pieces needed by the left, so when they come to confiscate your guns, you won’t be able to say “I sold them” or “I lost them”, without admitting to another crime. This shit needs to stop.

  7. If public safety is really the issue, and I mean really as in truly, why do the gun controllers never address who is actually using the guns to do the killing and why they are doing it?

    Oh, well, that would probably end up being racist. Can’t have that, now can we, even if it’s actually intended to address the basic cause of the problem at its roots.

  8. Genocides / Democides are almost always proceeded by civilian disarmament.

    A government that demands that you disarm, intends to harm you later at their leisure.

    I will not comply! Never Again! Molon Labe!

  9. From above: “… but without a complete knowledge of the location of all firearms, universal background checks simply will not work.”

    Somebody explain that to me. A background check is actually supposed to compare the buyers name to a list of convicted felons, others prohibited by law from possessing weapons or persons adjudicated mentally deficient. The location of the firearm, the type of firearm, the name of the seller, none of these matter at all.

    Right? So where did that writer come up with that statement above?

  10. If you’ve purchased a firearm from a dealer any time after 1998 you are ALREADY in a gun registry. The FBI manages NICS. Do you trust the FBI to destroy the information sent to them like they’re supposed to? Really? The FBI infested with socialist/communist bastards like Mueller, Comey, Strzok, and the rest?

  11. @Phuzzy Logick January 14, 2019 at 11:33 pm

    > Do you trust the FBI to destroy the information sent to them like they’re supposed to?

    Not to worry. If the FBI drops the ball, there are 17 intelligence agency backups.


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