House Dems Introduce “No Glory For Hate Act” To Bar Use Of Twice Impeached President’s Name On Federal Properties – IOTW Report

House Dems Introduce “No Glory For Hate Act” To Bar Use Of Twice Impeached President’s Name On Federal Properties


Democrats in the House of Representatives have introduced legislation that would prevent former President Donald Trump from having his name displayed on federal projects, buildings, statues, lands, or other type of commemoration.

According to the bill’s text, which was provided late last month, the legislation would “prohibit the use of Federal funds for the commemoration of certain former Presidents.” While Trump is not mentioned by name in the proposed legislation, he is the only president to have been impeached twice by the House. More

33 Comments on House Dems Introduce “No Glory For Hate Act” To Bar Use Of Twice Impeached President’s Name On Federal Properties

  1. They are trying to brainwash and make us forget President Trump, well good luck with that, 80 millon and counting aren’t going to forget anytime soon that the election was STOLEN. 🤬

    This is the kind of bullshit that they do in Communist countries. 🤨

  2. No Glory for hate would mean no glory for anything Dem. Good grief everything is upside down to these clowns.

    Evil is good and good is evil.

    What kind of things are we supposed to look for signaling the ends times? ^^ That ^^

  3. And then they flew out of Ronald Wilson Reagan airport, which burns their asses, I am sure.

    But, the devious and dishonest House impeached him twice based on lies and hatred. Big deal. He was acquitted in the Senate. Twice. Em

    Who fucking cares about Pelosi’s mental illness and her vendetta?

  4. It’s truly a shame the Democrat leadership is so so immature and that the groupthink keeps anyone at all from their party from acting stupidly insane along with them.

  5. They are just hitting Trump where it would hurt them the worse. They are just exposing themselves as the real narcissistic dipwads that they are.

    Trump should move to Utah, Primary Mitt in 2024 for the Senate. Win “huge” and then run for Speaker of the Senate. Day one hammer on how there are no Term limits and he plans on staying in office until God brings him home.

    That would cause the Democrats to push for Term limits on the House & Senate and Trump would still be winning.

    Either way, I want Trump to primary Mitt and crush Mitt in Utah.

  6. I like the filing system for House bills. Introduced by Loretta T. Sanchez.

    First 4 letters of last name, first initial, middle initial.

    It ends up as SANCLT. Sand clit? I knew she rubbed me the wrong way.

  7. Bill Clinton was also impeached. Same deal for him?
    Since the precedent for impeaching former presidents, the next time republicans take the House, let’s do a double impeachment of Obama while we are at it.

  8. Have they not yet reached the bottom of the pettiness barrel?

    I guess not. They are sad immature little bastards with no souls, no love for the most innocent of persons, and just barely enough upstairs to breath, eat, and defecate.

  9. Can we put Sheet-head Byrd’s name on the National Klan Museum?


  10. Like the DildoCrats are REALLY going to hurt PDJT by NOT having his name on any FedGov property. Like he doesn’t have his name all over his OWN property! D’UH!
    And if names are going to be removed from Gubberment property, let’s see how many places Robert Byrd, KKK Grand Beagle…..I mean…..Kleagle……..has his name on FedGov property?

    This is just SO petty and petulant.

  11. I am not surprised the dems are Constitutionally ignorant.

    Article I, Section 9, Clause 3:

    No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed.

    Here is an explanation for those idiots.
    “A bill of attainder (also known as an act of attainder or writ of attainder or bill of penalties) is an act of a legislature declaring a person, or a group of persons, guilty of some crime,”

  12. Side bar: Linda Sanchez who introduces this bill, is the sister of Loretta Sanchez, who used voter fraud (illegal aliens voting) to steal the seat of Bob Dorman.

    BTW, Ironic that a bill named “No glory for hate”, is based on hatred.

  13. Better bill: no elected senator or representative shall have a federal building, project, bridge, road, highway, dam, or structure named after them (or a burial at Arlington) if their total terms in office exceed 3 terms as rep and 2 terms as senator. And winning the presidency or vice-presidency does not stop the count.

  14. They’re just pissed they can’t remove the Trump name from that gorgeous hotel located halfway between the White House and the Capitol. Heh. I hope the hotel adds a large blinking neon sign that can be seen from the Oval Office.

  15. Diogenes

    There’s a very clear pattern out here in Cali that’s been going on for about 20 years. If you’re dealing with a state or fed agency you can bet your ass you’re going to be dealing with someone who’s first language is not English. Well when their kids come of age they enter into the same deal. And because they’re better educated they rise straight up into politics. We’ve had Cal-Osha inspectors here at the shop that we had to send away and request some one that could speak English. A glaring example of this is that dumb bitch health inspector who shut down that SoCal Brewery last week. For no particular reason by the way. I’m sure this is nation wide too.

  16. I found a loophole. The Bill only prevents federal funds from being used to put President Trump’s name or image on federal property. So if we raise the funds PRIVATELY, we can put his image on Mt. Rushmore! 2 bucks from each of the 80 million of us who voted for him ought to do it.

  17. Trump exposed these feral rats. He spoke truth and still will. They rats are trying to deal with the truth, likely they never can. Saw it with a friend of mine. I could not believe it. We still don’t talk but not because of me. I reached out. Her anger is amazing. Good job leftist media!! You’re ruining lives and friendships!

  18. I’m going to take a stab in the dark and say that while there is, in fact, a Surgeon General, there certainly is no Psychiatrist General in all of WADC.
    Surely the legislative branch has bigger problems to fuck up than pursue this petty vindictiveness?

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