House Dems Looking For Scapegoats To Blame For Historic Under Performance At The Polls – IOTW Report

House Dems Looking For Scapegoats To Blame For Historic Under Performance At The Polls

PJ Media

Democrats spoke confidently of picking up 10 to 15 seats — perhaps more. Of course, this would be after Joe Biden cruised to an easy victory over Donald Trump, with Democratic majorities in the House and Senate riding on his coattails.

But the polls were wrong. They were very wrong. So when reality hit Nancy Pelosi and her caucus this morning, they realized they hadn’t gained a single seat in Congress. In fact, as of noon Wednesday, Democrats had lost five seats and were trailing in several others.

What happened? More

8 Comments on House Dems Looking For Scapegoats To Blame For Historic Under Performance At The Polls

  1. ….they still rule, so no big…they will have many, many years to spend finding different ways to persecute the entire Trump family and all of we supporters as they are now freed of the HEAVY lifting of tyranny by “president” Harris ruling by decree and force directly, so they have about the same relevancy now as the Rechstag did during World War II under an earlier tyrannical socialist, but THIS time there’s no America to stop it, so they have all the time in the world to torment lesser creatures with rigged investigations and show trials to their black little heart’s content, supermajority or no supermajority…

  2. That depends on who their speaker is.
    Nancy barely made the cut last time. And the squad is back +1 BLM bitch rioter from missouri, because only dems in st. louis, and she didn’t have a challenger.

    I don’t know how the crop of dems that are left in the house will split.
    I imagine they’re 90% crazy, but so many different levels. lol

    But as long as Trump camp is suing to get the true vote, let’s see how many of the crazies (like omar and them) keep their jobs.

  3. After this little lesson the 2022 election is sitting like a boat anchor right between the eyes of purple state dems
    who watched the 5 seats in the House go to conservatives.
    The commies are going to oust Miss Piggy and stick in a nutball. The scared, wobbly seat dems who saw the damage are going to baulk when expected to vote hard left and tick off a big part of their non-commie base.


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