House Dems Push Fake Letter Just Before January 6th Commission Vote – IOTW Report

House Dems Push Fake Letter Just Before January 6th Commission Vote

Red State

Right before the vote on the Commission, the office of Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-RI) tried to spread a letter to members of Congress purportedly from “members of the Capitol Police” on Capitol Police letterhead. The letter claimed that the officers were upset with the position that Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy had taken against the Commission.

Politico then reported the letter was from the Capitol Police.

Except there was a small problem with this whole letter, as the Capitol Police explain: It didn’t come from them. More

7 Comments on House Dems Push Fake Letter Just Before January 6th Commission Vote

  1. Raskin needs his hair plugs ripped out,and then stuffed up Nadlers nose. And then Shifty Shiff gets to sniff them out.
    Can we all say “Witch Hunt” again


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