House GOP demands NYC DA turn over documents, give testimony as to the ‘politically motivated’ prosecution of Donald Trump – IOTW Report

House GOP demands NYC DA turn over documents, give testimony as to the ‘politically motivated’ prosecution of Donald Trump


Members of the Congressional GOP have reached out to New York City District Attorney Alvin Bragg to demand communications, documents, and testimony that Bragg is allegedly planning to use to indict former President Donald Trump.

The letter from Reps. Jim Jordan, James Comer, and Bryan Steil demands that Bragg account for these reports.

“You are reportedly about to engage in an unprecedented abuse of prosecutorial authority,” the letter begins, “the indictment of a former President of the United States and current declared candidate for that office. This indictment comes after years of your office searching for a basis—any basis—on which to bring charges, ultimately settling on a novel legal theory untested anywhere in the country and one that federal authorities declined to pursue.

“If these reports are accurate,” it continues, “your actions will erode confidence in the evenhanded application of justice and unalterably interfere in the course of the 2024 presidential election. In light of the serious consequences of your actions, we expect that you will testify about what plainly appears to be a politically motivated prosecutorial decision.”

Trump, who announced over the weekend that he expected to be arrested on Tuesday, is accused of misdemeanor charges stemming from payment he made to his 2016 attorney Michael Cohen, which Cohen then passed on as “hush money” to Stormy Daniels, a porn star, with whom Trump had an encounter years before. The charge is that Trump recorded these payments as legal fees, when the funds were then used for a different purpose. Bragg reportedly plans to elevate that misdemeanor charge to a felony, alleging that Trump intended to use that first crime to engage in a second crime, election fraud.


9 Comments on House GOP demands NYC DA turn over documents, give testimony as to the ‘politically motivated’ prosecution of Donald Trump

  1. GOP should also demand the same of the NY Attorney General Letitia James who stole campaign money to fund her lavish lifestyle. By her persecution of Trump she attempts to hide her theft and distract from it. Same with the lowlife Joe Biden and his crackhouse family.

  2. GWB’s AG Garland has ignored their subpoenas for 10 – TEN – weeks! “VIRTUE SIGNALING” to low info conservatives.
    As Bill said 600 years ago, ” …. signifying nothing!”!

    When Bush’s AG Garland is in “Grey Bar Hotel” I will say they are earnest!


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