House to Vote Tomorrow on Obamacare Repeal – IOTW Report

House to Vote Tomorrow on Obamacare Repeal

Wash Exam-

The House is set to vote Thursday on its legislation to repeal and replace Obamacare.

Republican House leaders think they have rounded up enough votes to pass the measure, although it will be close.

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy said that Republicans have the 217 votes needed to pass the bill.

The House Rules Committee is expected to vote on several amendments to the bill during a meeting tonight, and McCarthy said he expected a vote around 12:30 to 1 p.m. Thursday afternoon.

Prospects for the American Health Care Act improved Wednesday after two key Republicans said they would support the legislation after changes were proposed to provide an additional $8 billion over five years to help cover people with pre-existing conditions.

The legislation would allow states to opt out of several Obamacare requirements, including several essential health benefits such as maternity care and hospitalization, as well as a price control called “community rating” that requires insurers to charge everybody in the same age group the same amount no matter how sick they are.

Another amendment to the American Health Care Act would create high-risk pools, funded with $15 billion, for states to help pay for high medical costs in states that opted out, which is what the extra $8 billion in funding would go toward.

Republican Reps. Fred Upton of Michigan and Billy Long of Missouri announced their decision after meeting with President Trump about the legislation.


ht/ c. steven tucker

28 Comments on House to Vote Tomorrow on Obamacare Repeal

  1. this is not obysmalcare repeal … it’s obysmalcare lite

    say what you want, but for once Biden was right … “this is a big fucking deal” … they (they, being the Uniparty) don’t want government out of health care … they still want to be in charge of it … by whatever means necessary to fool the republic … what’s left of it

    does this truly ‘appease’ you?

  2. I hate to be a Negative Nellie, but is this one of those “we have to pass it to see what’s in it” bills? I’m going to be hopeful, but if this is a phase 1,2 and 3 program and we only get phase 1 I’ll be beyond disappointed.

  3. Must be a trade off, the democrats, Pelosi and chucky schumer, get to fund parenthood, keep aborting babies, fund sanctuary cities are fully funded, allow illegal aliens and refugees, No border wall in the omnibus bill to keep the government funded until september.

    It thought the bad deal we made to get bergdahl back stunk like hell. After funding all this crap, tell me what’s different here that McConnell and Ryan did under Obama. Stinks worse that getting a worthless traitor back in the states.

  4. wonder what happened to insurance companies being allowed to go over state lines? … oh wait … we just empowered the states even more make up their own rules about senior citizens to have to pay for maternity care!

    … this is a total clusterfuck …. did you expect anything more with government involvement? 535 people w/ no healthcare qualifications making up how we receive healthcare … what could go wrong?

    TERM LIMITS!!!! … vote them ALL out!

  5. Hope it eliminates the middle man. I don’t need to give a percentage to an insurance agent.
    Imagine if all bills had to go thru a middle man. Who took a percentage.

  6. Forgive me for not being overjoyed. The hope that government will get out of our health business still resides in me somewhere. I just don’t have the fight left in me right now. Life has been overwhelming the last few months, but don’t feel sorry for me. I don’t. I’m going to spend some time praying.

  7. No Brad, what he’s saying is he’d like to deal directly with the Doctor, the medical facility and have the option to shop all of his costs to another such facility/doctor if he felt some price problems….but, your right, in a sense….HE wants to be the single payer….

  8. Hey Willy, I shoved a 1/4 303 stainless round through my right hand this morning at 10:00 AM. Through the meaty part of the thumb to be exact. Worked until 5:00 and went and got stitched up. Cost me $20.00 copay. I thank my broker for steering me clear of this shit.

  9. My inner skeptic says that anything that passes is going to somehow fuck the general population in some way.

    If government is involved, socialism is going to be involved.

    It’s about control in one form or another and the Constitution doesn’t enumerate it as a power delegated to any of the 3 branches.

  10. Brad….I don’t mean this as mean spirited, only sarcastic….Didn’t everybody that has health insurance end up paying for everything that wasn’t your co-pay?….tough subject and won’t go away as everybody involved, doctors,health centers, insurance companies, lawyers, etc, is making a good to great living by having it mandated and protected with no competition….

  11. AND the deductible bullshit….different insurance , but shows the nonsense. I live in a an area that can have tornados. I’ve got a 1K deductible for any other damage to my house, but if it’s wind related….well, then my deductible is 5K. Guess who decides how windy it was?….Insurance is a ponzi scheme and that is why Warren Buffet is a multi billionaire. He invest in a whole bunch of insurance companies….and then there’s a mandated car insurance. I’ve NEVER had a claim yet it costs me as much to have insurance as some meat stick who’s piled up quite a few cars….That’s it, I’m out….

  12. Brad, It costs me $11,000.00 to get to a co-pay. No insurance broker can help me as there is ONE insurance provider in my area. Do ya think this is by accident?….

  13. Willy, you know I love you and after reading that I feel like a dick. So here’s my thoughts. We need to give Trump full reign. But please realize my position. A good broker is far from useless.

  14. Health insurance is a commodity. I’m pretty sure I could buy my own.
    Hope Amazon sells it one day

    The term commodity is specifically used for an economic good or service when the demand for it has no qualitative differentiation across a market.

  15. More lies from the lying liars in the toilets known as congress, insurance, and healthcare.

    Another one way ride for the Americans…on the American Standard.

  16. Republican Obamacare replacement bill passes House!!
    Just wanted to put CStevenTuckers quote out to all you dumb dumbs
    “Just so everyone understands correctly. Thanks to the failure of certain Republicans to pass the American Health Care Act which would have provided immediate relief to MILLIONS of Americans, the PPACA (Obamacare) Individual Mandate is still FULLY in force and codified by IRS law. In addition, the Employer Mandate is still FULLY IN FORCE and codified by IRS law. So, we will still be a “Part -Time” nation until at least 2019. There is a REASON both the Individual and Employer mandates were “zeroed out” and set to be repealed in the AHCA. It’s because President Trump’s executive order is just that, an order, it is NOT codified law. The AHCA would have ensured that his order became codified law and that the IRS code was permanently changed officially so that no one ever pays those penalties again. Also, for the 19 million Americans who have to purchase their own health insurance, be prepared for premium increases of at least 50% next year, if you can find a health plan since there is now only ONE carrier left to ‘choose’ from in 1/3rd of our nation’s counties. Buy hey, what do I know? I’ve only been doing this for 21 years. I’m sure the “Freedom Caucus” knows better than I do. Keep waiving those flags everyone, forget about ADVANCING them. “The enemy of better is perfect.” – Dennis Prager
    SEEMS TO ME THE FREEDON CAUCUS KNOWS BETTER!!!!Apology excepted from all us dumb dumbs

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