Housewives: ‘Dependent Creatures’! ‘Parasites’! – IOTW Report

Housewives: ‘Dependent Creatures’! ‘Parasites’!

American Thinker:

In 2013, then–U.S. president Barack Hussein Obama awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom to liberal “feminist” Gloria Steinem.  This is the highest honor the U.S. bestows on civilians.  Freedom for what, you might ask?  I’m not sure, considering that Steinem is a champion for abortion.  Seems a tad oxymoronic to be for women’s “rights” while ignoring the rights of all of the unborn women in the process.

Steinem had this to say about me and the millions of other women like me: “[Housewives] are dependent creatures who are still children … parasites.”  Okay, well, I wasn’t yet born when she said that, but I still find it quite offensive and degrading, especially in today’s culture that’s all about “empowering women.”  And this is the woman who was awarded a medal — by the president of the United States!

Carolyn Graglia is a lawyer who left her law practice to stay home and raise her children.  In an article she wrote for The Weekly Standard, she discussed Betty Friedan, “feminist” writer and activist, who also had a negative view of homemakers.  Graglia wrote:

Friedan described the housewife in The Feminine Mystique as a ‘parasite’ who lives without using adult capabilities or intelligence and lacks a real function when devoting herself to children, husband, and home.  Decrying the housewife’s life as a ‘waste of a human self,’ Friedan likened her and her fellow matrons to ‘male patients with portions of their brain shot away and schizophrenics.’  Housewives are ‘less than fully human,’ she said, for they ‘have never known a commitment to an idea,’ ‘risked an exploration of the unknown,’ or ‘attempted … creativity.’  That this could be said of women, who literally create life within their wombs, indicates the degree to which feminism has sought to denature women, to reshape them in man’s image.


27 Comments on Housewives: ‘Dependent Creatures’! ‘Parasites’!

  1. The harsh descriptions of the Housewife by both mental defectives Friedan and Steinem were actually descriptions of themselves. Feminist who follow in their footsteps are just too stupid to recognize projection when they see it.

  2. I am SO glad that many women have not presented themselves in man’s image……….
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  3. I guess that makes me a parasite as a househusband. I firmly believe children must be homeschooled — and that means somebody has to stay home. My wife doesn’t have the temperament, so I became the houseparasite.

    I read somewhere that a housewife should receive a commensurate wage of about 77,000 a year for her labors. What would that be for a househusband, 100,000 🙂 ?

  4. She Who Must Be Obeyed has been accomplished at practically everything she applied herself to in our lifetime together … Department Manager, Office Manager, Construction Bidder, Licensed Barber (not Beautician!), Licensed Real Estate Agent

    all she has really wanted to do in life (& still does, with excellence) is to be a Housewife … as she will readily tell anyone that asks

    a severe construction accident left me incapacitated & in re-hab for over a year, forcing her to go into the job market because Workman’s Comp only payed out every 3 months back then. after I got back to work & started earning better, she ‘retired’ back to be being ‘Domestic Goddess’. she got the itch to re-enter after the kids were in high school, but came ‘back home’ when the kids left homr. she does the finances, managed the house, food, clothing, errands, charity work at Hospice, the local hospital & helps at the local schools.

    Steinem is a dried up old hag who, obviously because of surrounding herself w/ metrosexual males, never had decent sex, even, frustratingly, w/ herself. she has always attacked women more satisfied in their lives than she is. no surprise, most all ‘feminists’ are all this way

    Steinem obviously has frustrations that have led to mental problems … something She Who Must Be Obeyed has blissfully avoided … & I am extremely thankful


    …than to rear healthy, well-adjusted heterosexual children capable of passing school, dealing with problems, eating healthy meals, calming the mind, healing their illnesses or injuries, living in a clean environment, being involved in civic activities.

    ❄️ BUT WHEN YOU HATE THE HETEROSEXUAL NUCLEAR FAMILY ❄️ you’ll do everything you can to find ways to make it dysfunctional, the same as the other screwballs out there.

  6. Lets see…

    A childless woman criticizing traditional family structure being awarded a medal by an imbecile who was abandoned by his father. Who gives a shit about their opinions.

    One of the most prolific photos I have ever seen was of the Houston swat officer carrying the woman who was cradling her baby in the flood. Wow, American men are horrible.

    I could not have achieved my family goals without my wife. I go out and take the “HITS” while I try to make her life easier. She cares for our kids so that they can perform at their best.
    My wife is the “backbone”
    I am “disposable”
    The kids are “irreplaceable”

    I have life ins. to care for them if anything happens to me at work. (Hi Rise HVAC Technician on icy roofs in Canadian winter)

    Gloria has only invested partially in her life and is a critic of those of us who are in whole hog!

    I have friends who were unable to have children medically. They tried. She didn’t. That’s her choice. But she shouldn’t open her mouth like she opened her legs as a used up feminist.

  7. I don’t even know where to start. As a single woman all my life, I have worked hard and earned every penny. My jobs, except one, were fulfilling and challenging. I enjoyed it and couldn’t stand goofing off at work. Work ethic, you know. Made a lot of wonderful friends.

    All of that. I would have traded it.

    So, FU Gloria Steinem, and all who follow that woman-hating cult.

  8. JimTony R
    JULY 28, 2019 AT 9:12 PM
    “If he thought he would have shown up for the ceremony, Barky would have given Satan the Presidential medal.”

    …from what I saw, Satan showed up EVERWHERE Barky went, no invitation necessary…

  9. Some of the most wonderful people are those who did not get to become parents. I had an aunt like that who loved me so much; she taught me to sew, something my own mom didn’t do a lot of. There are others we know, a sister-in-law who is a wonderful aunt to our children and nephews. I went to college and had many jobs but basically my career was housewife and mother, my favorite calling.

  10. BTW I got very close to Steinem one time at a book signing in a book store and she was unnaturally thin with expensive clothes and a perfect manicure. What’s with the anorexia I wondered? I was tempted to speak to her but passed her by, could have reached out and touched her but I just wanted to see the person who started Ms. Magazine, which I subscribed to in the very beginning of it’s launch. I did not continue with my subscription. When I had our first child I felt that I had to check out daycare centers because Ms. told me so. I also felt I had to learn to pump. It is hard to shake off the teachings of popular culture, especially back in a time when even I put media celebrities on a pedestal. Thank God I came to my senses.

  11. Marriage is a partnership. Something greater than just two people cohabitating.
    How about every wife in the history of family, washing clothes by hand, cooking all damn day, making clothes, doctoring babies.
    Even with modern conveniences, find me a stay at home mom that does not have a Day-Timer, who does not run the kids to all sorts of appointments, do mountains of laundry, and possibly a half hour a day to herself.
    Any awards given by stupid ass are worth less than that Nobel prize those idiots in Europe gave him

  12. Golly, this is a heavy subject for a Sunday afternoon.

    I’ll see the Left’s “awards” and raise them the results of being a real mom and domestic engineer. No one can “have it all” and expect to do it all well. If a woman wants to work outside the home and parent, my hat is off to them, but it’s very hard to pull it off. Single moms don’t have a choice except work or welfare and that’s tough. The best thing we can do as neighbors and friends to single parents is to offer our practical support, because they really need it. Steinem’s opinion of moms who work at home instead of for a paycheck is very backward, black-and-white thinking. Stunted, in fact. I wouldn’t take advice from her, that’s for sure. But you have to consider, also, the time frame in which she thought such things, I suppose. I’m glad I ran a business (and worked from home), so that my own daughter could see that a woman can successfully do that if she has the discipline to put boundaries around her work day and if she demonstrates that the reasonable needs of her children are always her first priority. I was able to run a great business which I found very satisfying and still run the house and be available whenever I was needed/wanted. I was blessed in this way. I hope I was able to show my daughter that there is great satisfaction in using one’s talents to the full, including those needed for business and those needed to be a parent. That would be my definition of a fully-realized human being, not a “parasite.” What an absurd thing to say.

  13. Now that I’m started–one more thing that’s disturbing is they way there’s no wedding photos in our local newspapers anymore. My husband writes a 40-years ago column and so we see the paper archives and there were several a week. The wedding ceremony is just not as special now that everyone’s living in. What are we to do?

  14. When I was in high school someone from NOW came to speak to us. It was an all girls Catholic high school.
    That woman from NOW told us that one of their goals was to get rid of the need for men.
    This business of getting rid of family units and loyalty to family is from the Communist Manifesto. They also spoke of women being nothing more than slave labor if they stayed home to raise children. They wanted, (still do) children to be handed over to government schools as young as possible.

    On another note: my mother always said it is people without children who are best at raising them.

    Bitterness, jealousy, anger are all used to convince other women that these dried up hags are right.

  15. My late Mom was not a parasite, she helped to raise 4 boys and did a good job. She only started to work when we got to be a little older and was there for us at all times. And she was the best at mending and healing all the scrapes and bruises and semi major accidents we had as kids and she was a master at applying butterfly bandages to all of our cuts, the sight of blood didn’t bother her it was just part of our growing up. She even knew how to get my youngest brother out of a muskrat trap once when he got caught in one goofing around in a neighbors garage. But you didn’t want to piss her off because she had a wicked back hand slap which I learned from experience to not do again.


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