Houston strikes down use of sex robots in brothels – IOTW Report

Houston strikes down use of sex robots in brothels

Houstoners Will Have To Wait To Bust the Hymie on a Sex Robot.


The city council of Houston, Texas unanimously passed an updated ordinance Wednesday that effectively blocks a proposed “sex robot brothel” from opening.

A Canadian company that already operates an “adult love dolls rent before you buy service” in Toronto had hoped to open a location in Houston and even started construction before running into permit issues that halted work.

The company, KinkySdollS, sells and rents human-like dolls that can cost more than $3,000 each.


24 Comments on Houston strikes down use of sex robots in brothels

  1. @.45-70 October 5, 2018 at 2:59 am

    > My questioin is: Can they make a sammich?

    Different design parameters. So different robot. But, yes. Already. If your Cyber Musmon.

  2. I don’t know … that sounds racist … or something.

    I’ll bet that if the Canadians try it with a bunch of Obola-dolls in a Fag Brothel, it’ll pass legal muster. Then they can expand to more traditionally girly dolls. Sometimes you need to take baby-steps.

    Or goat dolls (if they have a large moslem population in Houston).

    The thing is to get the city council “satisfied” with dolls …

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Robophobic bigots. You can’t choose who or what you love.

    The hippie bitch can marry a tree but some lonely dude can’t stick a roll of quarters in the Orgasmatron 3000?

    School shootings would probably go down 90%. And a nation of aging, screeching, unfuckable spinster cat ladies will continue awaiting their marching orders to get on a bus with their International ANSWER signs to protest a guy who never sexually assaulted anyone after having voted for a dead to rights rapist twice in the 90s and his for show wife, Mrs Rodham-Rapist in 2016.

    I guess what I’m saying is Feminism has ruined American women in the last 50 years and the bitches complaining about this is like slaves wanting to ban the cotton gin.

  4. If they can make a self-cleaning oven, surely some enterprising engineer is working on this.

    The real ethics issue is if you come home to find your sexbot holding a 6 outlet Monster power strip and your toaster, refrigerator, DVD player and Roomba lined up in the hallway.

    This is one of the potential hazards of your wifi connection getting hacked with the jUli3 sW3tnik exploit.

  5. The city of Houston has a history of electing lesbian mayors. The present mayor is a black male named Sylvester Turner who appears be a tad light in his loafers. If the vendors would have offered male only models then it would have been a shoo in for permit approval.

  6. Houstoners!? Who writes this crap. It’s Houstonians! Houston is expected to overtake Chicago as the nations third largest city in eight years. This is only possible through the miracle of air conditioning, but at least winters are mild.

  7. @Cliche Guevara October 5, 2018 at 9:22 am

    “I guess what I’m saying is Feminism has ruined American women in the last 50 years and the bitches complaining about this is like slaves wanting to ban the cotton gin.”

    I guess what I’m saying is Feminism has ruined America and the bitches complaining about this is like plantation masters wanting to ban the cotton gin.

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