How About a Little Blues This Evening? – IOTW Report

How About a Little Blues This Evening?

These are some selections from our reader named Blues Junky.

When your name is Blues Junky you might have a pretty good blues playlist.


Many thanks to BFH for inviting me to post these…I’m honored…
One of my favorite guitarists is Freddie King.  My personal favorite of the 3 Kings (Freddie, Albert, BB).  And this tune is one of the reasons why…  
And one of my all-time favorite bands was Fleetwood Mac.  No, not the schmucks that sold their souls to the devil and spent the next few decades personally keeping the cocaine industry booming in So. Cal.  I’m talking about the original band, the one that Peter Green founded.  During that era, Peter Green was, without a doubt, my favorite guitarist…   
This last tune is by Alvin Lee, of Ten Years After fame.  Absolutely love this.  George Harrison does the first guitar solo, on slide, and Alvin does the second…
Smoke ’em if ya got ’em…


12 Comments on How About a Little Blues This Evening?

  1. Very coo. Love Freddie king…. just…. sorta confused by the fleetwood mac one…. dafug?

    Believe it or not I played in blues band for 5 something years. (Gotta’ learn the basics before you go off exploring the interesting side streets of music.)

    Excellent choices.

  2. Yeah, AB…I think I may have gone a little overboard in voicing my disdain for what Fleetwood Mac became. But I can never forgive Mick Fleetwood and John McVie for turning what was arguably one of the finest blues bands on the planet into something that was writing catchy little tunes like the one Clinton/Gore embraced as a campaign theme song. Makes me wanna vomit…

    Yup, BB…Peter Green was incredible. I got to see him once, after he left the band, but filled in for Jeremy Spencer when he went AWOL to join the Children of God, or whatever it was called.

    But something I’ve learned since seeing some of the old videos is how great Danny Kirwan was. He was doing a lot of the guitar licks that I always thought were Peter Green.

    And thanks, PJ! Glad ya liked ’em!

  3. Greodd31

    I bought Leon Russell’s “Shelter People” album in ’71, and it had a celluloid 45 rpm of Freddie’s “Going Down” included in it. That was my first experience with Freddie King, and I was absolutely blown away. Just a badass guitar player, with incredible tone. I also love Albert and BB, but Freddie was something special to me.

    Mick Fleetwood is an exceptional drummer. When I saw FM in ’70 (I think), he was worth the price of admission. And he’s got “The Mick Fleetwood Blues Band” goin’ on for a while now, and it’s a damn fine band. But he and McVie broke my heart with the direction they went in. Very cool that you got to play at his place, though…I’m jealous!

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