How About A Little Piece of Classics Today? – IOTW Report

How About A Little Piece of Classics Today?

A nice short quiz this Sunday that lets you multiple guess your way through some of the greatest compositions in the world.

I managed 17 out of 20 (OK, I cheated on some of them).


Warning: If you click on any of them a second time make sure the video is stopped before moving on to the next.  Otherwise, you might end up having multiple pieces playing simultaneously.

18 Comments on How About A Little Piece of Classics Today?

  1. My grandparents were both classical pianists. One professional, my grandfather.
    Someone had to stay at home and have the babies and cook and clean.
    I personally got tired of classical music in the 70’s. But I’m sure I could do pretty well.
    But I’m not in the mood to listen to that crap anymore.
    My mother liked to listen to recordings of classical music and she was a pretty good pianist. So I heard classical music 10 hours a day.
    I wanted to be a fireman or a policeman and did not want to be a gaytard and play piano.
    So I don’t play.

  2. Site not running for me, prob long running script issue too. I’ll have to try on the big computer because I love the classics. Grew up in a country music listening family but there I was, sneaking off to my room with the radio tuned to Pavarotti. Played the French horn for a while when I was a little stick figure but school was a long walk and that beautiful thing was so heavy, only did it for three years. Have a piano and love to play with it once in a while. I pretend I’m Chopin but if you listen real close it sounds like a chicken pecking seed off the keys. I think there’s a you tube video of that. Not me, but the chicken! LOL

  3. I din’t git iny of em rite, but that don’t meen I shouldn’ta notta win!
    I bin vi=Preznit and sinator of the Boondockers, an yet I cna’t win nuthin here?
    Ainchall never herd of “nose-bless-nose-bleed?

    it ain’t fare, i tells ya, it jus ain’t fare …

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