How Alzheimer’s Kills Brain Cells – IOTW Report

How Alzheimer’s Kills Brain Cells


Scientists in the UK and Belgium think they have figured out how brain cells die in Alzheimer’s disease.

It has been a mystery and a source of scientific debate for decades.

But the team, writing in the journal Science, connect the abnormal proteins that build up in the brain with “necroptosis” – a form of cellular suicide.

The findings have been described as “cool” and “exciting”, as they give new ideas for treating the disease. More

12 Comments on How Alzheimer’s Kills Brain Cells

  1. Alzheimer’s is now called Type 3 diabetes.

    I have plaque psoriasis. It is autoimmune, inherited and gets worse as I age. I control it with diet. That means no alcohol and no “processed seed oils” No Canola, Palm Oil vegetable oils. I can have Olive Oil (cooked below 400 degrees) avocato oil, coconut oil, butter.
    Diet works for me. I have minimal inflammation if I read my ingredients or stick to cooking fresh and unprocessed food. Heart disease is just diabetes. Diet for old people is key.

    They are finding tha Alzheimers is linked to diet as well.

  2. I have always despised diet nazis. For years I have read about vegans and people who tell you not to eat high fat. Turns out the avoidance of high fat has been the biggest medical lie for the last 40 years. I eat high fat. If you cut out all the stuff that has “processed seed oils” you are going to die of starvation if you can’t eat meat.
    I saw a compelling, well researched video on the likely dangers of “processed seed oils” Crisco was made from cotton seed oil. The rise of seed oil consumption closely correlates with heart disease – way closer than the rise of sugar consumption (although processed sugar is clearly deadly.

    Readers here would do well to consider their diet.

    I have become what I despise but, man, diet works for me.

  3. jpm^^^ I also have it but it’s gotten better with age. It always got better when I went swimming in salt water. It’s seasonal too, getting worse in the winter. Cost me a couple of jobs even tho it was never as bad as some peoples. No ancestors had it to my knowledge.

  4. Chocolate Stank Recipe: Melt some butter. Put in dark chocolate cocoa until the butter is Denzel brown. Mix in lots of Splenda whilst chilling until congealed. Eat. Think of the mixing / chilling effort exercise.

  5. “They say abnormal amyloid starts to build up in the spaces between neurons, leading to brain inflammation, which the neurons do not like. This starts to change their internal chemistry.”

    BBC is pushing propaganda that goes to promoting drugs that remove abnormal amyloid (with some dangerous side effects) but still don’t do anything to relieve the progress of dementia.

    And yes to everyone who says “diet”.

  6. It seems after all of this phony pandemic fiasco that the only way to stay healthy is to avoid, at all cost (except your personal doctor), the lying fear-mongering government and commercial medical professions and demand that our elected leaders verify by a third party that they have been injected with everything they force their voters to endure.


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