How did Dan Savage ever become known as an Anti-Bullying Activist? – IOTW Report

How did Dan Savage ever become known as an Anti-Bullying Activist?

PatriotRetort: Now, I don’t know how Dan Savage ever became known as an Anti-Bullying activist — given what a vicious little bully he is.

If the F-word disappeared from the English language, Dan Savage would be left with nothing to say.

The other day on his podcast, the card-carrying member of the Gay Mafia unleashed his venom on First Lady Melania Trump.

Because that’s what Anti-Bullying activists do, right?

“I have got to get this off my chest,” the savage Savage said. “I f*cking hate Melania Trump.”

Savage then went off on a screed about what an ugly, hateful woman Melania is.


“Mrs. Trump, Melania Trump, is as ugly on the inside as she is pretty on the outside.”

I don’t know, Dan. But even if you’re right. Ugly on the inside and pretty on the outside is still an improvement over the last First Lady.

More powerful than saltpeter. That’s Michelle Obama.

And why exactly does Dan find Melania ugly on the inside?

Well, Savage claims she’s a birther.

Apparently in a 2011 interview, Melania echoed her husband’s call for Obama to release his birth certificate.

That makes her ugly on the inside? Really?



29 Comments on How did Dan Savage ever become known as an Anti-Bullying Activist?

  1. Dan Savage met Ron Reagan Jr. in a bar one night years ago, in down town Manhattan. Dan said to Ron, “May I push your stool in”?
    They’ve been in love ever since.

  2. I keep hoping that a safe drops 12 stories down on top of The Thilly Thavage! I’d be there with a blotter and a coffee can to mop him up and toss him into a furnace. What a miserable sack of shit he be!

  3. More vitriol from the left. Savage is a disgusting individual – what he did to Rick Santorum years ago says a lot about who is. Just a typical angry leftist that preaches tolerance when he is anything but.

  4. “If the F-word disappeared from the English language, Dan Savage would be left with nothing to say.”

    How about if we fix it so his jaw needs wired shut for about a year or so. It’ll a accomplish the same thing and be much more satisfying.

  5. Projection, plane and simple. People with issues always give themselves away. They are damaged.
    It’s been said that hate is not the opposite of love,but rather a product of unrequited or lack of love and the self loathing that follows or even precedes. In a former life, I was a substance abuse counselor, had one guy that was very vociferous in his homophobia….fag this, fag that, he was obsessed. Wanna guess what his wife caught him doing in a local no-tell motel?

  6. Tolerance = A Leftist worldview of morality.

    Diversity = A Leftist worldview of people.

    Multiculturalism = A Leftist worldview imposed upon Western Civilization.

    Safe Space = A place where worldviews diverse from Leftism are not tolerated.

    Anti-Bullying = The “othering” by Leftists of anyone not complying with Tolerance, Diversity, and Multiculturalism.

    Dan Savage = Poop Dick

  7. so the ‘guy’ that is sexually jealous of Melania Trump is butthurt (& I use the term loosely) because The Donald doesn’t consider ‘him’ as a worthy bed partner

    go it … disgusting … but I got it

  8. Re: BC, Call me a White Racist Birther too, because I have no idea where he was born. The forgery he submitted was clearly a fake. I looked at it on day one and found layers in pdf where the typeset was in a modern font.

    Just because some lefty yells and screams doesn’t make me want to change my opinion. That would be no less that agreeing that 2+2=5.

  9. Savage is the kind of fag that in he had AIDS, would intentionally infect others with it. He’s a hate filled little asshole bandit who thinks that because he’s proud to be a dick smoker, no one will touch him.

  10. Ignore him. “Send him to Coventry” from an attention standpoint. Don’t say or print his name.

    Ignoring the shrill, the bullies and the crazy drives them insane. Okay, more insane.

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