How did Hillary win the popular vote? – IOTW Report

How did Hillary win the popular vote?


More than 1 million undocumented immigrants have received driver’s licenses, the California Department of Motor Vehicles announced Wednesday.

Assembly Bill 60, authored by then-Assemblyman Luis Alejo in 2013, required California DMV offices to issue driver’s licenses to undocumented immigrants as long as they can prove their identity and residence within the state. The law has led to 1,001,000 undocumented immigrants receiving licenses as of March 31 but doesn’t give the licensees carte blanche to drive outside of California or fly across state or federal borders.

“Immigrants are getting tested, licensed and insured and this is making our roads safer for everyone,” said Alejo, now a Monterey County supervisor, in a prepared statement. “Today, we see the law working the way it was intended to and has dramatically improved the lives of a million immigrants and their families.”


Naaaaaa. They don’t vote.

ht/ bad brad

20 Comments on How did Hillary win the popular vote?

  1. I am convinced that Democrats game this pretty well. They estimate the Republican turn out and organize the dead, illegal and multiple vote to exceed it.

    They were off their game with the first few special elections but got caught up. Now the Dems are winning by tiny margins but they’re claiming victory.

  2. Every state, not just California, should purge their voter rolls of illegitimate voters every two years. This process should be overseen by a bipartisan panel.
    Dem’s will fight like a pissed off grizzly to keep their illegal bloc. This is simply a indication of the corruption that permeates this party. The concept of right and wrong has never entered democrat minds. Winning at any cost is all that matters to them.
    California should be the test case as they are the state that sanctioned voter fraud by state bill 60. I will not believe that the assembly did not know what they were doing or that this law had unforeseen consequences.
    The blatant flaunting of illegitimate voters cannot not be allowed to continue or our entire democracy is at risk. This should be a priority for AG Sessions.
    Paging Mr. Sessions, ,,,, Mr. Sessions,,, Mr. Sessions??????

  3. Pretty easy for anyone to see the utter contempt the democrats have for their fellow americans. Trumps only option is to somehow take away the goodies that the dems love to hand out to purchase votes.
    Remove some of that leverage and give the U.S. worker a fighting chance, otherwise we will continue to slide into a third world shithole existence.

  4. People here in Illinois also argue that giving illegals allows them to get car insurance.

    Lol, no! Illinois has such a miserably low liability requirement that’s all the illegals purchase. Then when they injure someone the insurance only pays a small portion. The illegal then moves back to Mexico to avoid civil lawsuits.

    On the other hand, I’m a walking jackpot. I carry all combined with umbrella policy $2.5M in liability.

  5. @Reboot April 5, 2018 at 4:13 am

    > Cartridge box time is coming.

    As soon as George Soros’ secretary calls Bill Kristol’s secretary, who calls the secretary of an FBI muckety-muck (any FBI muckety-muck will do), who will call the fusion center secretary nearest “your” local sheriff, who will call “your” local sheriff’s secretary, who will inform him that you can now see the whites of “their” eyes… it’s go time.

  6. Last night Hannity and Sebastian Gorcha took on the idiotic liberal bitch regarding Hillary excuses for losing.
    The bitch’s only argument was that she didn’t lose. She actually won by 3 million votes. Both Hannity and Gorcha advised her that we are a republic, not a democracy and that the Electoral College vote determines the winner, not the popular vote in California, New York and a few other liberal states.

  7. @The Rat Fink April 5, 2018 at 6:26 am

    > Legalized voter fraud

    You do know that’s an oxymoron? Right?

    The Party decides who can be “voted” for.
    The Party decides who can “vote”.
    The Party decides how to “vote”.
    The Party “counts” the “vote”.
    The Party decides who, of who the Party listed, “wins” the “vote”.

    And The Party writes all the laws. Subject to change without notice. None of which The Party is subject to. Unless, this time, subject to change without notice, The Party wants to be “subject” to them.

    How? How possibly? Can The Party defraud itself?

  8. @Bad_Brad April 5, 2018 at 8:00 am

    > They keep telling us there’s 200,000 illegals in the US. If there’s 1 million in California alone, what’s the real number?

    How many you need?

  9. So that’s 1.1 million illegals WITH DRIVERS LICENSES! How many without licenses? California has motor voter registration based on … the honor system. In 2016, Obozo said no one would be prosecuted for illegal voting. Lots of Spanish language billboards urging the illegals to vote. Yup, no illegal voting in California!

  10. They vote. But they don’t buy car insurance, they may only bother to get a license if it qualifies them for extra welfare. If it’s easier to get money without ‘documents’, they won’t apply for them. Same old same old.

    Any state that provides illegals with state ID, the entire state’s IDs should not be treated as official and accepted in the rest of the country. Because no one knows if the person carrying one is legit.


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