Tipster Vile Videos Make Me Vomit has managed to find the video that is most antithetical to something we would enjoy, from the fruit with the man bun, to the horribly hokey musical voice of SNL alumni Ana Gasteyer, the bad song in general and the revolting message.
In the clip they say “yes, we want full repeal of the second amendment.”
Chris Coumhole, are you watching?? (He says NO ONE is calling for the repeal of 2A. It’s just a figment of the right’s imagination, much like the “war on Christmas” that doesn’t exist.)
un-friggin real
well everyone already knows that guns are a lot like bubblegum!
how are they like bubblegum ?
I don’t know, I just repeat what I see on tv as fact.
a man bun, ha ha ha
That twink went up another bra size on that sissy rant.
Gun sales are through the roof again, thanks for your efforts! Haha
Now Hillary can blame Anna Gasteyer for why a woman wasn’t elected President. With a maternal attitude that treats the whole nation like unruly children, Gasteyer set back feminism’s ideal of men and women being exactly alike by 10 or 15 centuries.
Is that $hit for real ???
A fag in a orange sweater ain’t
taking my weapons.
Wow. Last lyric line: “This is why we can’t have the electoral college!”
Not just ripping off the mask of repealing the 2A – but out and out tyranny of the mob is what they want. We knew this already by everyone they need to vote for them – non-citizens, felons, multiple voting, dead voting. But now it’s full steam ahead for the destroyers of America. How bad would this be if Hitlery was elected?
Libs need to band together to show us how mighty their numbers are. And by “band” I mean wear an identifying arm band to rub it in our faces. Nice big ones that leave no doubt.
Something you can clearly see and identify from, say, oh, a half mile or so with a 16x scope, I mean binoculars.
If anyone had any doubts how ungawdly fricking stupid liberals are…..and how they’ve endoctrinated kids in public schools for decades for some to be stupid enough to buy into this shit.
So there are people out there that can actually watch that for more than twenty seconds?
“….nothing’s more important that the safety of a child……”
However Ms Gasteyer, the onus still falls on parents to keep their children safe, not your sainted government. The second amendment (the absolute right guaranteed by it) keeps you free forever, madam.
Someone has to keep an eye on the enemy, no?
There were videos about all sorts of shit that we didn’t pay attention to which told us their gameplan, years ago, and now it’s policy.