How did that go, Chris Wallace? – IOTW Report

How did that go, Chris Wallace?

21 Comments on How did that go, Chris Wallace?

  1. I was happy to see Ari Fleischer back up and reverse his original position on Trumps scorched earth debate. Now he’s saying Trump probably managed that set up as well as possible.

  2. When I watched it live it seemed biased.
    When I hear the replays on the radio, of Wallace in particular, the obvious hostility comes through rather strongly.
    I HATE Leftists that are seeking to impose the destruction of our country upon us – Wallace is one of those.
    And why is there NEVER any questions from a Conservative point of view in ANY of these debates?

  3. Journalists first, Americans second. Chris Wallace’s father Mike Wallace was asked a hypothetical question back in the 80s at a round table discussion.
    You are invited to North Vietnam by a North Vietnamese General as an observer. The general and his troops have a valley completely covered with hundreds of soldiers above in the hills on both sides of the valley. An American army company of 60 men are about to enter the valley below and will most certainly be caught in a deadly crossfire and be slaughtered. Do you alert the Americans ? Wallace’s response….Absolutely not ! If I did so, I would be violating my journalistic oath.

  4. Wallace was a scared little boy during that debate. He didn’t want to confront the President directly, and he didn’t want what the left offered him if he didn’t. You could hear it in his voice. Fight or flight.

    Dance with the devil, Chris. You’ll get burned.

  5. Chris was a Fucking Idiot but by inserting himself in the debate.

    He really did make it look like Trump was debating the 2 of them.

    His interference actually helped Trump’s narrative of Donald Trump & America against the World.

    So thanks for being a Schmuck Chrissy!

    Now I have even more time ti ride on Sunday since I will not be watching FOX at 9:am.

  6. If Chris Wallace hoped to be as invisible as possible during the first debate. He set his possible bar very low, and failed at that, too.

    However, he probably rates his performance as a great personal success. The possible he produced was just what he wanted.

    There are good reasons I finally had more than enough of Chris and stopped watching his Sunday morning show months ago. After fence setting on that decision for a couple of years.


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