1. Kids filming a “Star Wars” fight scene on roof fall through
2. Fat roofer checking for roof rot fell through
3. Man put covered jet-ski on roof “for security” while on vacation
4. Guy flying a lawnmower crashed it through roof
5. Plane “lavatory ejection” turns to ice
6. Guy mooning people on skylight falls through
7. Propeller fell off plane
8. Skydiver in peril aimed for roof
9. Kid pogo-sticking on roof fell through
10. Clown performing for children’s party fell through
Gotta be flying lawnmower. It’s the only believable one! (-:
It is a trick question. Clearly it was Rats with pick and shovel.
Darn. And the right answer wasn’t even my second choice.
Watched it on the news.
Looks like the pilot can reuse that propeller. Tighten it down the next time!
It’s not fair, I know the answer and can’t tell it!
12 gauge shotgun blast….both triggers pulled at once
Pressure cooker
Hot water tank
And everyone had laughed at the homeowner
for being a “Doomsday Propper”…
; D
Aww crap! I thought it was the frozen poop.
I want it to be the clown. And I want to see the video.