How did we miss this magazine? – IOTW Report

How did we miss this magazine?

FabUplus Magazine.

It’s for women who aren’t ashamed of their bodies in a world where prototypical body shapes are decided upon by gay men in the fashion industry.

Seriously, if these women have a problem with this pervasive attitude, look no further than the gay men who hire models and make the clothes, and decide on body trends.

Good for them. Look at the gal below. She’s not going to let anyone tell her not to wear horizontal stripes.

My main gripe with any group which is “out of the norm” is that they get angry if someone doesn’t like the way they look, or act.

If they are cool with people not thinking they are not all that FabUplus then I am cool with them.

They should feature Tara Lynn.

She is definitely FabUplus

ht/ irony curtain


28 Comments on How did we miss this magazine?

  1. I see on Ebay that Loretta Lynch is selling herself as a two legged table. She will stand without moving for several hours while you set plates and eat off her horizontal posterior. For an extra 50 bucks Eric will be your napkin Holder.

  2. Pbird, as men age they realize the beauty of a women mainly come from within. Those women I speak about above are more attractive to me than any skinny little bitch. Why would you eat grains to lose weight? That makes zero sense. Carbs bad, protein good.

  3. Did you know that since WWII, the average American (man, woman and child) consumes 100+ pounds of sugar/year? Uh huh. And it’s not just in obvious sweets. (Right now I’m snacking on pieces of a chocolate orange left over from a Christmas stocking.) I know everyone here of a certain age will recall that there was maybe one fat kid in the whole class, growing up — maybe one really overweight mom or dad in our circle of acquaintances. Maybe that’s why health care costs have skyrocketed. Overweight and obesity should not be a celebrated lifestyle. Period.

  4. Page 39 insert, How to diet like me: Gluten for an appetizer, hormone raised country fried beef braised in glyphosate cream sauce and a half pound of corn syrup for desert.

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