How do these European countries know how many refugees there will be in the coming years? – IOTW Report

How do these European countries know how many refugees there will be in the coming years?

A refugee is something that is created on the fly, through changing circumstances, much like the climate, yet, European leadership is pronouncing in advance how many refugees different countries can expect in advancing years.

(Said in my most naive imbecile voice, rubbing my chin), “it’s almost like these aren’t refugees at all, but simply hand-picked immigrants.”


3 Comments on How do these European countries know how many refugees there will be in the coming years?

  1. “Despite the strain, Thursday’s European Commission report predicted a modest overall economic boost from the migrant influx, citing higher government spending and an expanded labor pool.”

    They expect an economic boost from government spending. How Keynesian. And I’m sure that the expanded labor pool won’t sit around collecting welfare, and instead will drive wages down.

    Call me cynical. Or realistic.

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