23 Comments on How Do You Transport Groceries Without A Car?
That dude’s gonna be pretty juicy if he gets in a wreck! EMS will have to use a squeegee on him to find out if he’s injured or just leaking groceries!
Necessity is the mother of invention!
Vermont has outlawed grocery bags.
You will own nothing and be happy comes immediately to mind. The guy is participating in making a mockery of himself. He has been through the primary, secondary and university indoctrination system and has drank the Fool Aid. He got through school by signaling his willingness to swallow the I’m Willing To Do Anything To Make It Known That I’m A Committed Comrade pill.
I went to the Grocery Outlet,TK Mack and the Costco outfits this morning and put my shit in the back of our Explorer adult and drove home like the other adults who were shopping there. But then I have never been one for bullshit.
My freshman year at Cal Berkeley I didn’t get into the dorms. I found a room in a divorced guy’s house, he gave me one rack of the fridge. I had a bicycle… and a backpack (full size). I would take the backpack to the grocery store, do my shopping, put everything in the pack and bike a mile or so home.
Junior year I lived for a semester with a friend. We went shopping one day, drove there on his 50cc scooter. We bought too much (I believe a watermelon was involved), so HE decided that one of us should drive the scooter and the other should tow the grocery cart the 2-3 blocks home. I didn’t want to drive, so I turned around backward and held the cart. We made it a block before a cop pulled us over. He was laughing. He said he could think of at least a couple things to write each of us up for. But instead he had John drive the scooter home, I rolled the cart home and then returned it to the store. 🙂
Looks like he undergoes a major adventure on every grocery run.
It gets about 50 miles per charge and will move along at about 14 mph
Try that with paper bags. lol
Suspenders might be safer than a belt.
No helmet.
He’s got a job and providing for his child. Whatever works for him.
That’s one of the dumbest things I’ve ever seen. Are people so hard up for being “viral” that this is what they do?
Go Daddy Go Daddy Go Daddy Go!!
I think I would have borrowed one of the kids little red wagons and towed it home.
Just have your ol’ lady do the shopping fer gosh sakes….She’s got plenty of time after the laundry and dishes are done….AND she needs the groceries to do the cooking…..
Willy, that’s funny! However, in my house I do most of the cooking, and I prefer to pick out my ingredients. Even if my wife cooks she sends me to the store for stuff. I would never stand for some unknown SOB picking out the food I cook.
@ joe6pak….That’s good. It leaves more time for vacuuming and dusting. Might even free up time for her to mow the lawn…
Willy, good point. But I’m going to keep things as they are. Vacuuming and dusting is something she prefers to do, but mowing the lawn is my grandson’s role. I can’t do everything.
There’s a fellow in my small town drives a riding lawn mower to the Walgreens to pick up a 12-pack of beer. I suspect his drivers license was suspended for DUI.
Growing up in the 70’s, my mother did not have a license or car. Every week she and I would walk nearly a mile to the closest supermarket and we would walk home uphill with the groceries in her collapsible shopping cart.
She finally earned her license in 1976 at the age of 43 and the family got a second car.
Gay AF!
A wise man once said: When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
I’ll be that guy can make some good lemonade!
You do what ya gotta do!
Not clever. It’s dangerous because he’s going to be off-balance and also bags break.
Try: Door Dash. Instacart. Store delivery. Taxi. Uber. Lyft. Scooter basket. Rucksack. Walk with own cart. Or just shop more often.
I’m surprised the scooter was still there when he came back.
That dude’s gonna be pretty juicy if he gets in a wreck! EMS will have to use a squeegee on him to find out if he’s injured or just leaking groceries!
Necessity is the mother of invention!
Vermont has outlawed grocery bags.
You will own nothing and be happy comes immediately to mind. The guy is participating in making a mockery of himself. He has been through the primary, secondary and university indoctrination system and has drank the Fool Aid. He got through school by signaling his willingness to swallow the I’m Willing To Do Anything To Make It Known That I’m A Committed Comrade pill.
I went to the Grocery Outlet,TK Mack and the Costco outfits this morning and put my shit in the back of our Explorer adult and drove home like the other adults who were shopping there. But then I have never been one for bullshit.
My freshman year at Cal Berkeley I didn’t get into the dorms. I found a room in a divorced guy’s house, he gave me one rack of the fridge. I had a bicycle… and a backpack (full size). I would take the backpack to the grocery store, do my shopping, put everything in the pack and bike a mile or so home.
Junior year I lived for a semester with a friend. We went shopping one day, drove there on his 50cc scooter. We bought too much (I believe a watermelon was involved), so HE decided that one of us should drive the scooter and the other should tow the grocery cart the 2-3 blocks home. I didn’t want to drive, so I turned around backward and held the cart. We made it a block before a cop pulled us over. He was laughing. He said he could think of at least a couple things to write each of us up for. But instead he had John drive the scooter home, I rolled the cart home and then returned it to the store. 🙂
Looks like he undergoes a major adventure on every grocery run.
He may want to invest in one of these.
It gets about 50 miles per charge and will move along at about 14 mph
Try that with paper bags. lol
Suspenders might be safer than a belt.
No helmet.
He’s got a job and providing for his child. Whatever works for him.
That’s one of the dumbest things I’ve ever seen. Are people so hard up for being “viral” that this is what they do?
Go Daddy Go Daddy Go Daddy Go!!
I think I would have borrowed one of the kids little red wagons and towed it home.
Just have your ol’ lady do the shopping fer gosh sakes….She’s got plenty of time after the laundry and dishes are done….AND she needs the groceries to do the cooking…..
Willy, that’s funny! However, in my house I do most of the cooking, and I prefer to pick out my ingredients. Even if my wife cooks she sends me to the store for stuff. I would never stand for some unknown SOB picking out the food I cook.
@ joe6pak….That’s good. It leaves more time for vacuuming and dusting. Might even free up time for her to mow the lawn…
Willy, good point. But I’m going to keep things as they are. Vacuuming and dusting is something she prefers to do, but mowing the lawn is my grandson’s role. I can’t do everything.
There’s a fellow in my small town drives a riding lawn mower to the Walgreens to pick up a 12-pack of beer. I suspect his drivers license was suspended for DUI.
Growing up in the 70’s, my mother did not have a license or car. Every week she and I would walk nearly a mile to the closest supermarket and we would walk home uphill with the groceries in her collapsible shopping cart.
She finally earned her license in 1976 at the age of 43 and the family got a second car.
Gay AF!
A wise man once said: When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
I’ll be that guy can make some good lemonade!
You do what ya gotta do!
Not clever. It’s dangerous because he’s going to be off-balance and also bags break.
Try: Door Dash. Instacart. Store delivery. Taxi. Uber. Lyft. Scooter basket. Rucksack. Walk with own cart. Or just shop more often.
I’m surprised the scooter was still there when he came back.