How Does Chipotle Vindicate Donald Trump? – IOTW Report

How Does Chipotle Vindicate Donald Trump?

Da Tech Guy tells you how.

This makes sense.

18 Comments on How Does Chipotle Vindicate Donald Trump?

  1. Great post:
    To begin with, Trumps statement was to be done as a temporary fix to protect all us citizens in this country.
    Maybe he wanted to get Congress off their butts and earn their paychecks for a change. Look how fast Congress is passing bills to beef up our refugee program. Makes one wonder doesn’t it?
    Other presidents have done the same thing Trump wants to do!

    By the way, for all those people who want to let everyone one into our on notice! When one of my family members is killed by a terrorist you let in….you will be the first name on a wrongful death lawsuit!!!

  2. A big mess of organic beans and rice with trace amounts of protein of indiscriminate origin.

    Give me the Taco John’s of my youth!

    Tater Ole’s in a rich cheese dipping sauce with a taco that would always leave an industrial strength grease spill on your polo shirt!


  3. just as I will never go to Starcucks, and will no longer purchase Sam Adams, Heineken, or Guinness for what they did to the NY St Patrick’s Day Parade, I will not set foot in a McDonald’s of Mexico….aka Chipotle

  4. Never thought about the connection between E. Coli and muzloids.
    Muzloids, like a specialized bacteria, learned how to fool the Western immune system with Political Correctness.

    Oh, I just thought of another… E. Coli eats shit too!

  5. Red State (Commie State) sucks. They have been in “bash Trump” mode for months. If anyone tries to defend trump, they ban them from their site. Freedom of thought is not permitted.

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