How Does the U.S. Compare To Other Countries on the Mass Shooting Index? – IOTW Report

How Does the U.S. Compare To Other Countries on the Mass Shooting Index?

You have to remember, the U.S. is huge, with lots of people. The left, particularly Obama, would have you believe we’re living in a shooting gallery. But how do we compare apples to apples?


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10 Comments on How Does the U.S. Compare To Other Countries on the Mass Shooting Index?

  1. I as thinking more along the line of how many black on black murders take place every year in Chicago alone vs. number of death froms mass attacks like this. I see that media has wasted no time making this into 1960’s Deep South were all blacks have to cringe in fear of being harmed by whites.

  2. what amazes me is that with such restrictive gun laws in the “european developed” countries they still have mass shootings.

    the way our politicians, like obama tell it, if we outlaw guns like europe we won’t have mass shootings.

    apparently outlawing guns only makes the politicians safer. safer from their constituents!.

  3. We bring in the dregs and refuse of every other country on earth (more immigrants each year than all other countries combined) and then the world acts shocked when we have rampant crime, racism (especially reverse racism), immense social problems, and poverty.
    The world’s contribution to our out of control multi-culturalism and diversity is killing us!

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