How Google Can Swing Close Races – IOTW Report

How Google Can Swing Close Races

Researchers studying Search Engine Manipulation Effect (SEME) have found that by providing positive or negative suggestions when a politician’s name is sought, Google can swing a “50/50 split split among people who are undecided on an issue to a 90/10 split without people’s awareness and without leaving a paper trail for authorities to follow.” More

And yet Hillary still managed to lose in 2016.

6 Comments on How Google Can Swing Close Races

  1. I posit that this is only relevant for the weak-minded and uninformed (democrats).”Undecided” persons should probably skip the polling place on their way home on election day.

  2. when the average person, particularly ‘undecideds’, see negative stories, it does effect their thought processes … it’s a normal human reaction

    Google is insidious …. what’s your poison? … Android or IPhone?
    Glurgle? … or Crapple?

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