How in the World is Hillary Still a Viable Candidate? – IOTW Report

How in the World is Hillary Still a Viable Candidate?

I’m sick of Trey Gowdy doing so wonderfully on talk shows. Yes… BOOM!… we get it.

TRUTH BOMB!!!.. uh huh.


I can do without the played out Red Eye-speak and the all caps and exclamation points. That gets us nowhere.

I’m in all ways tired of hearing how Hillary broke the law, how the DOJ is covering for her, how the FBI is in the bag for her and then having to watch videos like this—>

Gowdy does great. Yawn.

Is this just water torture for us? Is the drip, drip, drip that seemingly does nothing designed to make us go insane?

Meanwhile, I have to hear others talk about how Trump is worse than this wretched beast.


20 Comments on How in the World is Hillary Still a Viable Candidate?

  1. It’s so, so, so, so, sooooooo, so important for us to retain the house and the senate so that we can continue to put political adversaries like Hillary behind bars when we have slam dunk cases like this.

    Oh… wait.

  2. Lead Salad: That’s because they are blackmailed six ways from Sunday and they know it. They saw what valerie jarrett did to dennis hastert and they don’t want that to happen to them. So they do the only thing she allows them to do. To talk, complain and hold hearings. But never take any real action.

  3. Its crying wolf too many times. Sets up the trap of hope. Inaction on a preponderance of evidence speaks clearly of the Clinton Mafia.

    I think there are a number of congressperson a who try to rise above the cesspool of filth and corruption that congress has become, but the odd are against them with stacked everything. I hope they keep trying.

    The strange thing to me is that people zoom in on ‘pay for play’ Clinton tactics, but CONGRESS and the Obama government are bubbling with it. How the heck do you suppose they become so rich as ‘public servants’? Taxpayer money, Obama bragging how much the IRS has collected and where is the accounting? Obamacare failing, economy failing, military on the brink of farce, and the DC elities party on with an endless supply of taxpayer funds and ‘pay to play’ fund raisers.

    Why would anyone pay thousands of dollars to support a politician, ‘tit for tat’. Simple.

    Thousands of dollars for a ‘plate’ at a fund raiser and they have no shame, because America has become used to being treated as the homeless.

    That is why Trump rises. Oh he’s played the game, and he may not be any better, but a fresh ‘robinhood’ wiykd be good. Besides, s I say, as a last resort: a Trump runaway presidency would be controlled by congress, a Hillary presidency will be Obama Hell rocket propelled.

    She’s taking bids, as she ‘fund raises’, selling every part of America.

  4. I remember conservatives clamoring for Gowdy to run for Speaker when Boner left.
    Nope. Didn’t want the job where he could make a real difference. He’s just a showboat.
    Add him to the list of promising up and comers who have disappointed us.

  5. Trump will win. The polling is a desperate lie. The next question is whether a GOP Congress will take the actions its new president and the voters who elected him demand. First up, of course is 0bamacare – will they do the 1-line repeal act to have waiting on his desk for signature, or will they huff and puff and posture, while retaining the establishment position?

  6. Old Trey bloviates, and is an AlGore type of hot air express, who gets hard when the lights and video cameras are on him. Yet after years of nothing, why expect more? Like DC politicians, he is a drama queen with nothing left to offer of any substance. yadayadayada…..stick your head back in the trough, Treyboy. We are tired of you!

  7. Screw down ballot nonsense.
    The congress have no balls, unless they grow them soon.
    The only reason they are afraid is because the Dems will actually do something if they have the house, as opposed to their current ‘Hillbilly asleep on the porch’ approach.
    The Republicans can kiss my ass
    I’m a Trumpican, and I hope he kicks over all the apple carts

  8. Just remember who pulls the strings behind the curtain up there. Mitch the turkey neck and Eddie Munster. They put the squeeze on anyone who strays. Thats why I despise them.

  9. At least he is revealing the corruption. Does he have the authority to throw the criminals in prison? I’d think he would be doing a lot of that if he could.

    I’ve watched a lot of utube videos where Gowdy makes the democrats look like ignorant fools (makes them show their true colors), and I still enjoy watching them. I have to believe that he wants to see those bastards thrown in prison. It would be a damned shame if all of that is just for show; that would mean that Gowdy belongs in prison with all of them.

    Just my burnt penny.

  10. Why did Boehner put him in charge of Benghazi hearing? He knew Gowdy would look tough asking the right questions and then not implicate anyone that was truly involved. Boehner was read in on what the CIA and State were doing in Benghazi giving arms to Libyan “insurgents” to topple Ghaddafi. We have the leaked document where the Pentagon warned NOT to do that – insurgents were not our friends. They did it anyway and Boehner, Pelosi, Reid and McConnell were all read in.(

  11. I was soooooo disappointed with Trey Gowdy and “his” select committee on Benghazi. As smart as he is, he should have known to bring in an independent trained professional to put Hillary on the hot seat — instead of using amateurs that Hillary would just wipe her feet on.

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