How Is That Not Gambling? – IOTW Report

How Is That Not Gambling?

Anyone who watched this last weekend’s slate of NFL games probably noticed a whole lot of advertising for fantasy football one day tournaments. They promised millions and were willing to get new comers started with a $100 or $200 free entry.

Draft Kings

Now Rep. Frank Pallone (NJ-D) is asking Congress to investigate if Draft Kings and Fan Duel are in fact gambling on sports.

Apparently there is a carve-out in the online gambling laws that allows for fantasy football, but these two outfits seem to be driving a Mack truck through that loophole.


“Fans are currently allowed to risk money on the performance of an individual player. How is that different than wagering money on the outcome of a game?” he wrote.

14 Comments on How Is That Not Gambling?

  1. Yes, by all means. Let’s get congress to investigate Fan Duel to see if some drunken sports geeks are spending too much time fantasizing about their favorite players. After all, it’s not like there’s anything important to do like… oh, I don’t know… STOP OUR GODDAMN ANTI-AMERICAN PRESIDENT FROM GIVING HIS PSYCHOTIC MUSLIM BROTHERS IN IRAN A NUCLEAR BOMB?!?!??!

  2. I’ve always been suspect over contest that award prizes like a million bucks or so. I mean really? Does anyone actually know of a person who has won a million bucks from say, McDonalds and their monopoly games?

  3. Begs many questions like…

    How are emerging market funds not gambling?

    How are insurance bonds not gambling?

    How are real estate investment not gambling?

    Why is it the government’s business to stop some sorts of gambling but not others?

  4. It really is no different than poker betting online. And that’s why a sleazy NJ politician is all over this. He is, after all, a paid for bitch of the NJ gambling interests. He, along with every Republican in the pocket of Sheldon Adelson, will be all over this.

    Count on it.

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