How is this offensive to the Lgbtxyzblt? – IOTW Report

How is this offensive to the Lgbtxyzblt?

A restaurant in Allen, Texas, Dodie’s Cajun Bar and Grill, is under attack for these bathroom door designations.

This is offensive… to WOMEN!!!!

I see two men in this vestibule leading to two bathrooms.

If it didn’t say women on one of the doors, and men on the other, I wouldn’t know which bathroom to go into.


ht/ wisco dave

26 Comments on How is this offensive to the Lgbtxyzblt?

  1. Tell the MRC to kiss my Texas ass. We have no confusion about what sex we are. Keep it simple, if you have a crank you’re a boy, if not you’re a girl. Just like God meant it to be.

  2. Having that person so prominently displayed in that restaurant would cause me to not spend much time there. It’s funny for about 10 seconds, but after that it’s just disgusting.

  3. HAaaaaahahahahaha!!!
    OK look. I’d be scared to go through the women’s door.
    Why is this a problem for the L-Z? Is Bruce willing to say that he never existed? His medals never existed? His track and field career never existed? His role as a father, a son, a brother never existed? And if that’s all okay with him, then how did he become famous? And why doesn’t he stay off the television and just be some ordinary confused bitch with an ordinary life? Denying reality makes you unreal.

  4. patstirrer, it’s clever, I guess. It’s just that when my kids were little, I wouldn’t have liked taking them to the bathroom there. And for sure I would have had to. I’m assuming that’s a family joint.

  5. Irate Nate – I think that was the last name of Joe Whatizname in the “L’il Abner” comics. Was the world’s worst jinx, had a storm cloud over his head. Yeah, that’s appropriate for these always offended idiots! ;^)

  6. I’M OFFENDED! = liberal fascism.

    Never forget that. It’s a tool to control you.

    LET THEM BE OFFENDED. So what? You give them that power, they grow stronger.


  7. Geoff – You are absolutely! Joe’s last name was supposed to be pronounced like a “razzberry” if I’m not mistaken. And Capp would have had a field day with these nitwits. I think he was the one who came up with the phrase “The inmates are running the asylum” back in the early 70’s. I remember an article he wrote for NATIONAL REVIEW that included that comment. First time I had ever come across it.

  8. It’s pretty funny and If I were the owner I tell all the fake reviewers on Yelp (you know the ones, they sign up and review a place to trash it never having been there) and the people bitching on the sites Facebook page to go F@ck themselves but then again, for a lot of them one or two more snips and patches and they’ll be able to.

  9. “I’M OFFENDED”.
    So? And? Your being offended is NOT my problem. I have done nothing to you, except laugh at what I see and know and FEEEEEEEEL (see what I did there?) is your stoopidity. And yes, I called you stoopid. Grow up and deal with it.

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