How Islam Is Explained to Minnesota Lutherans – IOTW Report

How Islam Is Explained to Minnesota Lutherans

In an attempt to help their Christian neighbors accept the ever-growing population of Muslims in their communities, Lutheran Social Services of Minnesota penned the pamphlet, “My Neighbor is Muslim, Exploring the Muslim Faith.”


Dr. Stephen M. Kirby has looked at the materials and the Imam who helped write it, and questions the work.

Statement from Lutheran Social Services of Minnesota

Our intention is simply that this resource will open doors, minds, and hearts and dispel stereotypes and myths about Muslim neighbors just enough to start more conversations. I am touched by the stories of Christians who are inviting Muslim imams into dialogue, accepting the invitation to participate in iftar dinners during Ramadan, and hosting community multicultural celebrations.

About the Imam who advised the authors Here

Specifics in the pamphlet that deserve more explanation Here

You may view the publication Here

16 Comments on How Islam Is Explained to Minnesota Lutherans

  1. Creeping sharia? There is sooo much evil in this “religion,” from the mutilation of women, abusive — but joyful — killing of animals, and subjugation and wanton murder of others, it’s hard to think we are this stupid. Sadly, we have been. ….Lady in Red

  2. Good quote: “If the battle for civilization comes down to the wimps versus the barbarians, the barbarians are going to win.” ….Thomas Sowell.

    We’ve played the wimp role far too long. ….Lady in Red

  3. I had already left the Lutheran faith before any of this debauchery reared it’s ugly head. It is only my opinion that, the Lutheran faith has been infiltrated by too many leftist/socialist/liberal/marxist thinking members, in positions of leadership.

  4. “They’re like Pentecostals or Jehovah’s Witnesses that will cut your head off over a point of doctrine.”

    Gotta put it in terms the Lutherans will relate to.

  5. Maybe to get in practice, the Luther’s can start paying a jizya (tax on non-Muslims) and wearing the wide cloth belt, that denotes “non-believers”.

    Leftists are so stupid that they give stupidity a bad name.

  6. excuuuuuse me……but that whole “open doors, open hearts, open minds” thing belongs to the United Methodist Church… dare them evil lutherans use it????

    of course, it’s also why we are not longer methodists……so maybe they’re welcome to it?

  7. In defense of both Lutherans and Methodists (and I am neither): Denominational names don’t mean a thing anymore. Just about all churches have split into the small minority that still believe the Bible means what it says (Wisconsin and Missouri Synod Lutheran, Free Methodist, etc.), and the big mainline versions that keep the original denominational name but believe whatever they want to believe. This is a perfect example of what you get from the latter.

  8. Chrislam – dhimmi version of Sunday go to Salah. If you’re a Christian, you better brush up on what the Word of The True and Living God has to say about the stupidity of following an oppositional doctrine; Galatians 1:6-10, for starters.

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