How it’s done: A surreal day in America’s war against ISIS – IOTW Report

How it’s done: A surreal day in America’s war against ISIS

NYPost: -Though it involves thousands of Americans, and a good chunk of our economy, the war against the Islamic State is fought mostly in front of computer screens, in places like Langley, Va., and upstate Syracuse.

It is, in many ways, a surreal conflict, one where some combatants can get a latte after the battle.

coalition strikes isis syriaFor that reason, it can be easy for Americans to forget we’re even fighting a war. Though our airmen and women fly hundreds of missions a day, it’s not uncommon for the conflict to go unmentioned on the news for weeks.

But the stakes are just as high, as ISIS brutalizes the people of Iraq and Syria and preaches global jihad. Also, while the United States mostly conducts airstrikes at a remove, there are still 4,000 US troops in Iraq. Three have lost their lives in this war that we don’t call a war. It’s called Operation Inherent Resolve.

Through visits to some of the nerve centers over the past few months, and more than three dozen interviews in person or by phone, The Post pieced together a mosaic that portrays what a typical 24 hours looks like in this battle against ISIS.

5 Comments on How it’s done: A surreal day in America’s war against ISIS

  1. I’ve been on the ground. Trust me, getting a latte after smoking a terrorist is awesome. Just because you smell it, taste it, and see it does not make it morally better. At the end of the day, the objective is achieved, and our kids are safer.

  2. The “Boys From Syracuse,” the 174th Attack Wing got rid of it’s A-10’s and F-16’s years ago. Now it’s the Drones From Syracuse. Hancock AFB was closed in 1984, it’s now a NY Air National Guard Base flying Reaper missions. I kinda miss the fighter jets flying low and fast by our house (we live about ten miles away). I love the sound of freedom even it it did occasionally shake the house.

    The Syracuse PD used to do training at the base – defensive driving tactics on old WWII runways, riot training, getting tear gassed in the old barracks. Fun times.

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