How Liberal or Conservative is Your First Name? – IOTW Report

How Liberal or Conservative is Your First Name?

Plug in your First Name and let us know how you stand.

I’m on the conservative side of the spectrum. Who knew that Roscoe was such a right-wing name?

ht/ Meerkat


42 Comments on How Liberal or Conservative is Your First Name?

  1. That was funny. I used my proper name and I was a liberal. I used my nickname, and I was a conservative. I’m going to try a bunch of fake names to see what comes up. Very entertaining, Fur!

  2. Goes to show that a name means nothing unless it is attached to a person and their actions.

    My name was 1.4 conservative
    Hillary came out 7.5 liberal
    Bernie was 3.1 conservative
    Any “Dick” on the street is 6.0 conservative

    Some would agree my name should have been “Dick”.

  3. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot 911 nomenclature emergency!

    My name is VERY close to the bitter end of the left.

    Not sure how they figure this because I have a decidedly non-standard name. In my lifetime I have only heard of a handful of people with the same name.

  4. I got 3.7c
    Moe, it was going on yesterday also. The DNS is failing. Sometimes completely, more often in the middle of page loading.
    I haven’t tried to debug it, but I would bet it is the ad software. The top of the page usually comes up blank now and you have to scroll down to get to the site.

  5. “People with the name ****** are more likely to contribute to a campaign than the average citizen.”


    P.S. – FYI, people with my name are less likely than 99.999% of the population to appreciate hip-hop in any shape, form, fashion, or language. Just a personal observation, no offense meant.

    P.P.S. – “Roscoe”? Yeah, RIGHT…!


  6. 7+ lib something for the screen name. Weird. It seems to weight quite a few common names either on the liberal side or just off of center.

    As to the other thing, I’ve been having issues on the iPad and the phone (BlackBerry, but not quite as bad), and zero problems on the desktop. Who knows?

  7. @Moetom: Earlier today, every time I tried to call up IOTWR, it would come up briefly, then bring IE down, even after rebooting my machine. Had to quit for a while – finally, the problem seemed to go away. At least for now.

  8. @VietVet,

    A few years ago I was out buying a car and Hip Hop was playing loudly over the speakers the whole time. It drove me so nuts between the time I had to sit and listen to it while the salesman needed to talk to his manager, that I freaked out and just left.

    When the salesman chased after me and asked, “why are you leaving?” I said “how can you subject me to that hip-hop bullshit noise that you play too loud over the speakers and expect me to concentrate on spending $30,000 on an automobile, you dope!”

  9. Sorry, we couldn’t find data for that name (Unruly), try another one.

    4.8C With the name on my driver’s license.

    4x more likely to pull the trigger when officers from the department of corruption come to collect the guns. 🙂

  10. My name came up liberal, but I’m sure the reason is that, although I am not hispanic, a lot of hispanic women have my first name. I guess it is an ethnic name but my ethnicity is Carpatho-Rus. I was named after my grandmother.

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