How many Pinocchios is this whopper? – IOTW Report

How many Pinocchios is this whopper?

18 Comments on How many Pinocchios is this whopper?

  1. the blithering idiot doesn’t know what century he’s in

    … does anyone expect him to know facts?
    jeez, he’s only the pResident, for goodness sake

    (just think of the outcry by Pravda if this were Trump)

  2. So Joe is that how Hunter got his gun? Libtards have been parroting this lie for years and their dopey followers who have never tried to purchase a gun let alone see one in person believe it hook line and sinker.

  3. “You can go to vote in the next election and you can be anyone you want, with no check on who you really are.”

    The above construct is true, but it doesn’t bother the Left one bit.

  4. Unfortunately his MSM-primed target audience is just as ignorant of the Constitution and the law as he appears to be.
    In reality, since virUScam, you haven’t been able to FIND “whatever you want” anywhere, let alone gun shows.

  5. Worst blowjob I ever got was at a gun show. Said her name was Kamala. I should have asked for a background check. Now I’ve got an unpronounceable social disease.


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