How Much in Today’s Dollars? – IOTW Report

How Much in Today’s Dollars?


HT/ The Lonely Libertarian   See More

17 Comments on How Much in Today’s Dollars?

  1. I live in an older Craftsman style house built in 1918, it’s a great older house with the original woodbeams and woodwork and built in china cabinets etc.still intact and never painted over or removed like in so many older houses. Everythings been updated and since we had a fire 7 years ago that destroyed the kitchen, my insurance co. State Farm made everything new including completely rewiring the house and putting in an entirlely new electric system as well as a new updated kitchen. It’s been a good house for my family and I over the past 25 years and I’m not moving because I like where I live. My wife grew up in a Kirtland Cutter house on the South Hill. Kirtland cuttter was one of Spokanes early and great architects. Of course when she live there they needed all the room that big old house had since she came from a large catholic family of 9 kids. I actually went to Kindergarden in the basement of that house back in 1958 way before I met my wife before her family lived there. She was surprised when I told her that when I first started dating her in 1976.

  2. Since gold at that time was $20.67/oz, $4080 bought 197.39 oz. At Friday’s spot gold closing price of $1239.45/oz it would be worth $244,562 plus the cost of land and improvements. Live in French maid is extra.

    That house is 3100 Sq Ft, no garage. It looks like a kit house and still requires labor to build it. Hence the $1920 or today’s $115,000 price difference.

  3. I have no idea how much this would cost to build today, since I have no experience with the construction industry. But I can tell you that new houses of this size are going for $1,500,000 and up in the areas north of New York City. The exact price would depend on the variables of custom finishes.

  4. If it was on a Gulf beach in Florida (were I just was), it would have a $1 Million tacked on in front of that price. Plus, most places won’t let you build it today, you need licensed trades to do it, or at least finish the rough-ins and fixture connecting.

  5. We live in a 4 BR house that my Mom bought with
    my Grandparents back in 1939 for about $3,000.00.
    According to family history, it was originally built
    by a Madam named “Toots Duval” back in the 1920’s.
    Apparently, the cops made things too hot for Toots
    and she had to “scram” along with her girls.
    I always found living in an ex brothel to be a
    great conversation starter.

  6. Don’t let your wife talk you into 5 bathrooms. We built a house 20 years ago.
    15 room, 5 car garage. Swimming pool. Tennis court. Basketball court.
    9 hole golf course. On and on and on.
    Swimming pool used ever day
    Tennis court used the first 3 years
    Basket ball court never used
    Golf course waste of money. Never used.
    Never more than 3 cars in the garage.
    Number 4 and 5 bathroom never used.
    We finally moved to a condo on the ocean in Florida

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