How (Not) to Talk to Children about Thanksgiving – IOTW Report

How (Not) to Talk to Children about Thanksgiving

Think Thanksgiving and you think “pilgrims,” “Indians, “turkey” and “communal dinner.” Those entrusted with our children want to present a more inclusive / more correct story about Thanksgiving.

They’ve been doing this for years, but we’ve let it fly under the radar. Here Here and more recently Here

Natilie, here posted just yesterday her informed suggestions on how to tell the Thanksgiving story to children. It a whole white man colonist oppressor / noble savage victim tale of subjugation perfect to share with young minds around the holiday table. Her new narrative is at the 7:11 mark. Watch

13 Comments on How (Not) to Talk to Children about Thanksgiving

  1. Be sure to tell how everyone almost starved to death because socialism was how things were set up, and ONLY when they established private property rights, etc did everyone do well, have plenty of food, etc. There are certainly additional truths to add to the story.

  2. I’m praying for a massive snowstorm in NYC on Thursday that will cause them to have shut down the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day (gay) parade. Macy’s is now on my permanent shit list even though I can’t even remember the last time that I bought anything from them. Wouldn’t it be great if God just dumped a shitload of snow on them.

  3. Boy, girl, come over here and let ‘granpa tell you a story.

    You know that turkey we had in the yard last couple years? The one you kids had such fun chasing it and letting it chase you? Yeah, that one…you called him Mr. Jerk the Turk because he was always jerking his head this way and that.

    Well we caught him last night when you kids were a-sleepin’. Then we cut off his G-damned head and then cut out his guts, heart, liver, kidneys, neck, all that stuff. Some o’ that you’ll have later when Mom makes turkey soup.

    After we cut off his head he ran around the yard a few times…I suppose he was a-hopin’ to find you kids to save him. Finally, he dropped only after I hit him hard with a shovel. Right now he’s in that big pot getting mighty tasty with some sage and pepper and marjoram and all that.

    Thursday, you’ll have a reunion with your pet, Mr. Turk. And, early next year we’ll getcha another little turkey that you’ll watch as he grows up. You kids will have lots of fun again.

  4. So how does she get to appoint herself as THE arbitrator of the Truth??

    Aaaaaaaaaannd what, exactly, is wrong with honoring indians??
    Oh yeah, the Indians were treated so badly… look around you – if you don’t already live in a county with an Indian name, there is probably one right next to you! Also, there is much respect and homage paid to the Indian culture in the form of statues, museums, intitutions and organizations. I might also add that, while we did defeat the Indians in wars, we were NOT acting like Palistinians trying to wipe them out! It is a Western tradition down thru history to treat the vanquished HUMANELY!! That’s what needs to be taught instead of White Guilt!


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