How Qatar Got Apaches Out of Hillary’s State Department – IOTW Report

How Qatar Got Apaches Out of Hillary’s State Department

The State of Qatar wanted them and Raytheon wanted to make them- $19 billions worth. So it’s just natural that members of John Podesta’s family got in on the action.  James Rosen provides the damning report at Fox News.


7 Comments on How Qatar Got Apaches Out of Hillary’s State Department

  1. No Local, State or federal laws were broken.
    These events were just a coincidence coming together at one point in time.
    At worst, Director Comey and the FBI “thinks” someone at the State Department “may” have been careless. The honorable and non-partisan FBI declined further statements as to who that individual may be as they are considering a review to possibly investigate after November 8th.

  2. No laws broken. This is as bad as insider trading, which Clinton managed to escape charges of, also. I think the slick one is Hellary.

    The web of the swamp gets thicker with each strand discovered, leading to more. In the center is the cobra recluse spider, HRC. It spits venom, winds its victims in cocoons then sucks the juices from the body, or just bites the victim and the wound rots the body for a slow death. Watch out for its shimmy.

  3. The foremost mission of our State Department is to act as salesmen for our defense contractors. Sorry if you didn’t know that. Spreading the wealth of these sales is business as usual for that bunch in Washington.

    This really needs to be better illustrated in High School civics. Would cut down on the shock and outrage when people see how things really work in our government.

    They’re still teaching “checks and balances”. That is SO out of date.

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