How Radical Historian’s Revisionism and Lies Led to 2020’s Unrest – IOTW Report

How Radical Historian’s Revisionism and Lies Led to 2020’s Unrest

The Daily Signal – The war on history is about overturning America’s constitutional system.

So says Mary Grabar, a resident fellow at the Alexander Hamilton Institute and author of the book “Debunking Howard Zinn: Exposing the Fake History That Turned a Generation Against America.”

Zinn was a radical historian whose book, “A People’s History of the United States,” has been widely influential since its first publication in 1980. [snip]

Grabar laid out how Zinn portrayed himself as a truth-teller who was debunking myths created about American history using newly uncovered sources.

“He claimed to be revealing new evidence, everything from Christopher Columbus’ diary to a Harper’s Magazine article about Japanese internment camps published at the end of World War II to the Pentagon Papers,” she said. “But what I discovered in going through Zinn’s book is, he did no such thing.”

Instead, according to Grabar, Zinn distorted his sources to fit his narrative, took subject matter out of context, and frequently outright lifted his material from other authors.

Finish reading here.

h/t Ann Nonymous Prime

10 Comments on How Radical Historian’s Revisionism and Lies Led to 2020’s Unrest

  1. side story: cleaning out an old bookshelf a few months back & ran across my old copy of that rat commie bastard’s book … even reading it back in the early ’80’s I knew most all of it was socialist revisionist bunk

  2. There’s big bucks (and prestige) in bad-mouthing your country. Robin DiAngelo, Nikole Hannah-Jones, pedestrian writers who’s only talent is tapping into the left’s appetite for creating a new world order, have both become rich and influential.

    Public schools across the country are now propagating critical race theory, white guilt, and the need to make amends by asking all black people to please forgive us.

  3. @Jethro ~ wouldn’t wipe my dog’s ass w/ that … might give her a rash or something

    think I’ll wait to contribute it to the next d’rat ‘enlightenment’ book-burning indoctrination rally &, prior to entering the Bernie Sanders Re-Education Camp … show ’em what a good little socialist I’ve became

  4. It’s not just the ‘facts’ that turned students on us: it’s their deal wit the Devil (because of their infantile narcissism): they have sold their soul get to be bums and takers in exchange for doing democrat political bidding.

  5. Zinn was an airman in WWII. He must have justified it by saying over and over to himself: I’m fighting for communism and Joe Stalin, not for America.

    From what I have gathered, his book is mostly serious jabs at America, without mentioning much or anything positive about it. His own parents moved to NYC from eastern Europe. Had they stayed there they would likely have ended up as Holocaust victims, and Howard Zinn of course would have never existed. He got educated here, became a professor and published a lot of books. Then he turned on his own country.

    Zinn’s an ingrate and a snake.


    Honestly, do you really want to fight over every election, book-chapter-word, school board member, principal, and even play tug-of-war over every pencil sharpener for the rest of your life when it comes to leftists? Because that’s what they do, they make everything a WEDGE ISSUE, and you exhaust yourselves.

    We are already seceding with our friends, family, jobs, products, areas to live, it’s happening right now Reg, right now (Life of Brian).

    The relationship is 100% broken, we are now shooting and beating each other in the streets, running people over with cars, we hate each other. It’s a divorce but we are still living in the same house.

    Get out, get out, get out!

  7. Teaching for 155 years that Americans (or at least half of them) were fundamentally so evil we’re the only country in history that had to fight an internal a war to end slavery within it’s borders did not help. It was much more complicated than that, and post war formerly sovereign states became closer to being united colonies of Washington D.C.


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