How Socialists View Independence Day – IOTW Report

How Socialists View Independence Day

The founding father of socialism in the United States, Eugene Debs, liked the revolutionary aspects of the 4th of July. Today’s socialist, like the writer of the piece linked here, can’t be bothered to put down their Howard Zinn and stop obsessing about repression long enough to appreciate what was achieved on behalf of all mankind two hundred and forty two years ago.


8 Comments on How Socialists View Independence Day

  1. Lot’s of buzz words. I notice no where was the word “Republic” mentioned. The nasty phrase ” American exceptionalism” was there.
    What Socialist don’t get is we, the ultra conservatives are not much different from out fore fathers. We want to be Free Men. And that collides with the Socialist mentality. They should move to Frnce and leave us alone.

  2. Anyone hear how the antifa protest in Gettysburg went? Fizzled I guess. I only get my news on via internet, and I feel pretty certain that had they protested, even a little, CNN would have been all over it like flies on 💩.

  3. The idea that people refuse to goose step with these pukes has them stark raving mad. They were just so close to slamming the gate closed on the public. They thought with Obama they would have the entire republic by the throat but, not to be. Counting aneurysms.

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