How The Deep State Takes Care Of Its Own – IOTW Report

How The Deep State Takes Care Of Its Own

Former senate staffer, responsible for handling secret documents for the Senate Select Committee On Intelligence, James Wolfe was allowed to plea to one count of lying to the FBI, instead of the much harsher charges of leaking classified information. He’s still looking at two years. Here

Wolfe’s lawyers were able to force the DOJ to plea down after threatening members of the SSCI with public exposure and the possible revelation of who (looking at you Mark Warner (D-VA) ordered Wolfe to leak the Carter Page FISA warrant. More

4 Comments on How The Deep State Takes Care Of Its Own

  1. “…Wolfe’s lawyers were able to force the DOJ to plea down after threatening members of the SSCI with public exposure…”

    This is what politics has become in our country.
    So much for ‘open and accessible’
    Remember the clinton’s Filegate scandal? “…improperly requested, and received from the FBI, background reports concerning several hundred individuals without asking permission…”
    That was for the purpose of blackmail, which the clintons are masters of, and also what continues in our government today. That is what is at the root of wolfe’s threats, though the general public knows nothing of them.
    Just look at what the awan family got away with in congress. Nothing done.
    Sampson brought the house down, he needs to come back.

  2. Reagan said it: we can lose our freedom in one generation.

    We are close. Accept our government was totally corrupted by obama/clinton. Now, DEMAND transparency, starve the GOPe, and stand firm behind Trump.

  3. All he had to do to get the charges reduced was threaten to say who ordered him to do the leak in the first place. Someone probably figured the case was too high profile for Arkancide; so they just reduced the charges. Bet his sentence won’t be much either due to his “years of public service”.


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