How the FDA bungled the nation’s baby-formula supply – IOTW Report

How the FDA bungled the nation’s baby-formula supply


Infant formula provides the sole source of nutrition for infants who are not being breast fed and often supplements breast milk for those who are. Only 47% of infants are exclusively breast fed in the first three months of life, a figure that declines to 26% by six months. Specialty formulas are the only nutrition option for infants who, because of medical problems, cannot utilize standard formulas or breast milk.

It’s also one of the most regulated foods in our country. The Food and Drug Administration’s strict nutritional and labeling requirements make it difficult for foreign producers to export formula to the US, despite evidence that their products are safe and nutritionally adequate. Tariffs — as high as 17.5% — further discourage importation. Consequently, nearly all the formula consumed in the US is produced domestically by four companies. This makes the supply vulnerable to closures of large domestic plants.

The FDA had “concerns about infant formula and special medical food shortages given their production at a small number of facilities controlled by a handful of firms” over two years ago, internal reports show. Yet the agency did little to address formula shortages that began last summer and rapidly increased over the late fall and winter. 

The shortages were exacerbated by the FDA-encouraged February 2022 closure of Abbott’s Sturgis, Mich., plant — one of the largest formula facilities in the country and one of the only producers of specialty preparations — in response to possible bacterial contamination. 

The FDA conducted a routine inspection of the Sturgis plant on Sept. 20-24, 2021. It reported five observations — including standing water and inadequate hand washing — but nothing about bacteria. more

15 Comments on How the FDA bungled the nation’s baby-formula supply

  1. Easy to figure out. Some power mad democrat bureaucratic cunt high on power with a brain full of anti-humanist woke bullshit deliberately fucked up the supply in the hope that babies would die.

  2. Wait. Where is the oft-told lie about two babies dying for the reason the plant was closed? All planned in advance and another stupid trick that backfired in their stupid faces.

  3. Bungled??? 100% intentional, every thing they do is to increase control, and forcing shortages gives them more control.
    And there are never, ever, any consequences for the bad actors. Never.

  4. Just trying to catch those that escaped abortion.
    Only truly sick individuals attack babies and the White House and Congress is full of them.
    All part of the plan.

  5. Must be an easy transition from killing the unborn to killing the live ones lucky enough to escape the murderers during the first nine months.

    Evil + Ignorance is what we are facing here.

  6. “The shortages were exacerbated by the FDA-encouraged February 2022 closure of Abbott’s Sturgis, Mich., plant — one of the largest formula facilities in the country and one of the only producers of specialty preparations — in response to possible bacterial contamination.”

    This was based on FOUR, 4, FOUR, fUCKING FOUR, cases. Two resulting in death. This place manufacture 40% plus of the total formula for the U.S. Market. Stop and think. These dumb mother fuckers shut this place down on, guesstimating, .0000000001 percent of failure rate to what’s manufactured. Statistically impossible. And then after they’ve had it shut down for months the FDA announced “No Link”. No shit you dumb asshole. This had to be intentional. Again, nobodies this stupid.

  7. The FDA refuses baby formula to babies. Why would anybody but an aspiring murderer would even think of doing that?

    Things are so unbelievable these days, but it’s reality.

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