He talks about business people, but neglects the frequency of psychopathy in politicians. I think it’s more common in the latter.
Over the years, I have told some number of people that psychopathy is their problem. They are good at “feeling your pain,” in all senses of the term. Empathy? Sociopaths are experts at expressing that. Manipulation. Leave a trail of self-interest and damage during their lives. Much of it is not jail-worthy. Dumb sociopaths are more likely to go to jail.
Is it a mental disorder? Not really. Just rotten people who might exploit you or hurt you, with strong, minimally-governed predatory instincts.
I see a psychopath every time I see a picture of barry. An America hating, god hating man who is intent on destroying everything good just so we can all be equally miserable except for him and his socialist crony buddies.
The wife is a psychiatrist, it’s her job to label the mentally ill. Most have vote Obama bumper stickers. Pretty funny, is that.
A little lite reading: http://www.amazon.com/Understanding-Mental-Disorders-Guide-DSM-5/dp/1585624918
This gives major benefit of the doubt as far as motivation, to the point of an inadvertent excusal. It amounts to “he can’t help himself.” Could be true, I suppose, but I see no reason to buy the theory.
The simpler and admittedly scarier answer is more probable: everything he’s done, doing and will do is precisely on purpose and calculated to have the exact effect that it’s having on the nation. “Fundamental transformation” and all that.
Scary thought…Obama will be gone soon enough, but the people that voted for him twice and still worship him are with us forever.
I didn’t think I could listen for nearly 20 minutes, but I couldn’t stop once he started talking. Very interesting observations, I have known a few psychopaths in my lifetime, they are frustrating,challenging and exhausting people to know. I agree with Maggie’s Farm, many politicians do seem to have that “anomaly” that makes them “special”, as Jon Ronson said in the video concerning the business man he interviewed.
…and they are all over my Facebook newsfeed.
Since 0bama started 0ccupying the office of president, it’s been harder NOT to spot a psychopath than it is to spot one. The entire Left could fall into that category.
Keep duct tape and a depth finder handy.
I have apparently dated most of the female sociopathes…my age….