How To Win A Knife Fight – IOTW Report

How To Win A Knife Fight


By Ernest Emerson, Emerson Knives

An old and very experienced man once told me that the winner of a knife fight is, “When two guys go to the hospital and one lives.”

It is a fact that you are statistically more likely to die from a stab wound than a gunshot wound.  Most people don’t believe it but it is indeed true.

I guess, if you only knew the previous two anecdotes, the absolute best way to win a knife fight is to never get in one.

Most of us know what we know about knife fighting from movies or television.  As a result, a lot of myths, held truths and down right, bull manure has found its way into the general perception of what knife instructor and edged weapons combat is all about.

Right here and now I’m going to bust the biggest myth about knife fighting that exists.  Here we go.  Ready?  There is no such thing as knife fighting!

The days of two combatants standing steel eyed across from each other with edged weapons in their hands has long since vanished.  What I’m saying is that statistically it does not exist.  That’s not to say that someone somewhere hasn’t been in a knife on knife confrontation but that your chances of being hit by lightening, while being attacked by a shark, holding the winning lottery ticket, it far more likely than being in a knife fight.  Thank God for that.

The reality is that in knife related attacks there is only one knife involved (in the hands of the bad guy) and that many times the victim never knew there even was a knife involved (until he was being sewn up in the hospital).

The reality is that if you are ever involved in knife combat, you will be unarmed fighting off an attack by a knife wielding attacker.

So let’s look at developing a program that will protect you against the most likely scenario.

The first thing I’m going to caution you against is the idea of trying to go for your weapon in the midst of an armed attack. Remember, we are talking about Hand-to-Hand Combat here, not gun fighting, which has different rules. We call it a “weapons dependent” mindset and it is likely to get you killed while you are trying to get to your weapon.  more

21 Comments on How To Win A Knife Fight

  1. I practice knife defense and disarmament along with other self defense. But as a matter of practical advice. If someone is coming at you with a knife your best defense is to run. Don’t try and go all Bruce Lee on them. Scars are not cool, but the morgue is.

  2. The winner is the guy who comes away with a scar while the other is dead! I have won many times, Never killed anyone in America! I do have scars! But I am typing they are gone!

    I went to Nav Hosp in Da Nang when a Kalasnikover shot me! No blades!

  3. I’m sure y’all have heard the saying that the most dangerous weapon in the world is a Marine and his rifle….Well you might not want to piss off a Marine and his K-BAR! I don’t know what they teach now days, but the “Old Breed” were taught to be an effective weapon with their standard issue Marine Corps fighting knife the K-BAR!

  4. The knife is good for cutting the hand that grabs your gun.
    A shot to the pelvis at any distance will drop an opponent immediately.
    Waiting for a person to bleed out and lose consciousness is always second best.

  5. DOC

    In “the Old Corps”we referred to our predecessors as the “Old Corps”. Lingo may have changed. I met some 7th Marines at the Gym 10 years ago; just out of Faluga, while talking asks “Where’d you do ITR (Grunt Grad School) the thought I was talking Greek. When I said I was in (way) Hue 1/68 it was all “Sir” and “Mr” for the rest of the time they were on leave.

    I do not remember what they said Grad School is now called. I am OLD


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