How UAW’s Leadership Crashed Their Union – IOTW Report

How UAW’s Leadership Crashed Their Union

Washington Examiner

Federal agents are reportedly considering charges under federal Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations laws.

This means the nation’s most iconic union may soon be officially branded a criminal conspiracy. A spectacular fall indeed.

RICO convictions could lead to a federal takeover of the UAW. The feds similarly took control of the Teamsters 30 years ago and just ended its oversight in 2015. Teamsters, which had been dominated by the Mafia and other organized crime, was cleansed of its corrupt leadership and forced to adopt new election practices and fairer wages, among other things. More

11 Comments on How UAW’s Leadership Crashed Their Union

  1. Gee Wally, since nuthin’s really changed in the past 70 years or so, this has been pretty much a gimme for the FBI to pursue them.

    PS: The gimme part is a percentage of the take rate to look the other way.

  2. Gee, didn’t see that one coming (sarc).

    It’s all about power and money – whether you’re a CEO, a politician or a labor boss. It’s all a different path to the same destination.

  3. I was UAW for 10 years….It was corrupt on the local level too…and

    I’m talking a Plant of only 3000 People…I was Friends with

    the President…So I got sent to School to become a Stewart …

    Hated it doesn’t describe My feelings towards My fellow Workers..

    For a time I thought American Know How and hard work were finished

    in this Country..1988 to 98…In the words of Monty Python..

    “I got better”

  4. Unions are run by organized crime. The communists are also leeching money and power, in cahoots. The mafia thugs are at least capitalists. The communists are on a mission to destroy us all.

  5. Right out of high school, in 1978, I got a job that required I join the Teamsters (UPS). I paid dues and got all of their propaganda. Christmas season rolled around and the “seasonal help” was hired early November. Seasonal help were exempt from joining the union. The manager took a fancy to one of the female seasonal help. I got laid off with the seasonal help and she was kept on staff. Shop steward said tough shit.

    I have had no use for a union since

  6. My father was a truck driver for almost 35 years. Never had anything good to say about the Teamsters union but there was not anything to do about it. After Jimmy just up and disappeared, no body would say anything out loud.

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