How will middle America feel about PASTOR Hillary? – IOTW Report

How will middle America feel about PASTOR Hillary?

 Doug Powers:

What a surprise — Hillary Clinton might be planning for 2020 by re-re-re-re-re-RE-inventing herself… again:

Hillary Clinton has written a foreword for a book inspired by devotionals that pastor Bill Shillady prepared for her during the presidential campaign, and she is considering speaking out more on a topic she has long held private: religion.

“Hillary Clinton wants to preach,” begins a piece in The Atlantic by Emma Green, relaying a comment from Shillady. Clinton has been discussing going into ministry, and Shillady thinks the former first lady could definitely do what he does.

“Given her depth of knowledge of the Bible and her experience of caring for people and loving people, she’d make a great pastor,” Shillady said.

Hey, who better to preach the word of God than Planned Parenthood’s “Champion of the Century”?

But wait, the story gets funnier:


42 Comments on How will middle America feel about PASTOR Hillary?

  1. If that don’t fly maybe she’ll flirt with enlisting in the Marines again. I can’t see the “Queen of Darkness” tossing around Bible passages. She’s desperately groping for some traction somewhere.

  2. my dad always said, son, if you ever get too sorry to work you can always preach. Sounds like he may have been right.
    preaching huh, where, some wiccan coven or satanic cult?

  3. This should end well…Huma can be assoc. pastor and Anthony Weiner can be in charge of youth. Chelsea can start stealing Christian books and publishing them under her name.
    Will Bill help with marriage counseling ?

  4. As “patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel” so the Pulpit is the last refuge of the Grifter.
    Jorge Bergoglio has shown us that being a Marxist-Sodomite is no barrier to higher ambition and HRC is, apparently, following that lead – for she, too, is most assuredly another Marxist-Sodomite, though of the Lesbian persuasion.

    Oy! How long will we suffer such pests?

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. The latest polling must have said that she needs flyover country middle class whites.
    Ditch the hot sauce and grab a Bible. I’ve found religion and now I want to be your leader.

  6. The woman who couldn’t be bothered to campaign, and who couldn’t fill a high school gym when she did campaign, wants to preach? She needs to find a church where she can preach one Sunday a month, and with no stairs.

  7. She’d fit right in with the televangelist crowd. I’m thinking of Jim and Tammy Bakker, Jimmy Swaggart, and Billy James Hargis. She’s made from the same mold as Marjoe Gortner. But I’d really, really like to see her take on the role of Aimee Semple McPherson but botch the faked death.

  8. She would do better by going on a telemarketing show and hawking the ‘Hillary Clinton Diet’ for the screwballs who want to have a big ass, fat legs, and a chubby face! She could give a free pantsuit size XXXX for every taker!

  9. Hillary trying to get support from the “deplorable clingers”.

    She comes out as Bible Toting Christian.
    In the near future will she support the 2nd Amendment and pro-life.

    She’s a carpet bagging opportunist.
    Like all politicians, she’ll tell you want you want to hear, like Ryan and McConnell, once elected she will revert to her progressive/socialist roots.

    Hillary honestly believes the majority of voters are morons.
    Actually, any who fall for this charade “are” morons.

  10. I have to look out my window and see if the pigs are flying.
    Nope, no pigs … but I think I just saw Hillary pass by.

    Thanks MJA ! This story has me really laughing. Now off to get some work done.

  11. “The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose.
    An evil soul producing holy witness
    Is like a villain with a smiling cheek,
    A goodly apple rotten at the heart.
    O, what a goodly outside falsehood hath!”


  12. Donations are way in the hell down at the Clinton Foundation, so the evil, pathological liars need to come up with another schtick. Will they ask for donations for Haitians through their ministry, maybe funding for an outreach program?

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