How Would the Left Like the Police Reformed Like They Define Immigration Reform? – IOTW Report

How Would the Left Like the Police Reformed Like They Define Immigration Reform?

Bernie Sanders on Sandra Bland’s death-

This video of the arrest of Sandra Bland shows totally outrageous police behavior. This video highlights once again why we need real police reform.  -Bernie Sanders

Luis Gutierrez on father’s plea to kick illegals out of the country after his daughter was killed by drunken illegal.

“The only way to [solve the problem] is to have comprehensive immigration reform.” – Luis Gutierrez.

When the slimeball Gutierrez speaks about immigration “reform” he is asking for the lawless to be left alone and become legalized overnight with a sweeping “reformation.”

Let’s apply the same standard of reform to the police and see how these assholes like it.

We’re going to “reform” the police department. Starting tomorrow, every cop that has lost their job for disobeying the law will get amnesty.

How do you like them apples, morons?

5 Comments on How Would the Left Like the Police Reformed Like They Define Immigration Reform?

  1. Gutierrez has a valid point. If we give all illegal aliens amnesty, their will no longer be murders caused by illegals. There will still be a bunch of dead people killed by new democrat voters, but not by criminals.

    Oh, wait…that doesn’t make any sense does it?

  2. We can’t blame all muslims because of the actions of a few thousand.

    We can’t blame all immigrants because of the actions of a few million.

    We can’t blame all democrats because of the votes of tens of thousands of dead democrats voting in elections.

    We can blame all cops for the actions of a few dozen.

    We can blame all gun owners for the actions of a few dozen.

    Liberal logic 101

  3. I really do admire your restraint BFH! There is no way possible that I could ever restrict myself to only using the mild term of slimeball in conjunction with Gutierrez

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