How’s Her Hair? – IOTW Report

How’s Her Hair?

Via MJA who says, “I guess we just have to take her word for it.” (Found on

28 Comments on How’s Her Hair?

  1. “You’re Young, You’re Vibrant…But let’s face it…after wearing

    that empowering Bag over Your Body..You smell like mohammeds

    ass…Castor Oil…for the hair down there”

    But wait, that’s not all…Order now and receive a free coochie

    mirror (guaranteed not to Fog even under the cruelest conditions)

    Just like Mom used to Mek…Before She got stoned

  2. The hell is “Fountain”? Black people use Murrays hair pomade. I know this because one of my roommates was black and he got me hooked on it because of my bushy bushy hair.

    Also….castor oil? If it ain’t coconut oil I don’t see how its gonna’ make inroads in that community.

  3. Tony R
    JULY 11, 2019 AT 4:45 PM
    “Is that traditional jamaican garb?”

    …only if the Jamaican Bobsled team is strapping explosives to their sled for the next Olympics…

  4. Blink
    JULY 11, 2019 AT 6:21 PM
    “Forget the hair color. If they used castor oil for it’s old-school purpose, as a powerful laxative, they might become peaceful people.”

    …actually, Muslims have been crapping on us for 14 centuries, no laxative required…

  5. Yes, she’s very attractive, but there in lies the goat rub. She is programmed to out infidels in Mohammed and compromised Euro lands, to assist in fatal stabbings, stonings and decapitation. Beauty is only skin deap.

  6. Castor oil on hair? Maybe I’m out of the loop, but I used to use it on my back with a heating pad when it was paining. (The back, not the heating pad.)

    Coconut oil is for hair, peeps.


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