HuffPo Writer: Getting Black-Out Drunk, Arrested, and Losing Job an Example of “White Privilege” – IOTW Report

HuffPo Writer: Getting Black-Out Drunk, Arrested, and Losing Job an Example of “White Privilege”

Brandy Walker, who describes herself as a “34-year-old white woman,” argued in the Huffington Post yesterday that getting black out drunk and being arrested is an example of white privilege. The “privilege,” she argues, is that she was not shot to death by police.

“I have spent a great deal of time examining privilege and how it has affected me, a 30-something white woman,” Walker writes in her article, titled We Can’t Help Being White. “And through the exploration of my earlier, “less-evolved” self, I have made some startling discoveries.”

Ms. Walker
Ms. Walker

One of the discoveries is that, when she was in her early 20s, Walker got so drunk that when she came to she was being arrested by police and sent to jail. The fact that she wasn’t shot to death is an example of privilege, she claims.

“My friend and I decided to hit up The Breakfast Club, an 80’s themed bar in downtown Charlotte, NC,” Walker explains. “I came to in a parking lot on the opposite side of town. I was handcuffed and directed into the back of a police vehicle.”

According to Walker, her night in prison was “remarkable.” She writes, “From what I understand, I was manipulative and insolent. I tried to talk my way out… When that didn’t work, I became irate and erratic. Eventually, they had to put me in a confined cell. In the morning, my parents paid my bail. I was supposed to be at work at 9am. Not shockingly, I lost my job.”

Ms. Walker compares this to the death of Antoine Hunter, who was African American. Mr. Hunter “had been spotted driving recklessly when the police tried to pull him over. He sped up, and eventually crashed into a parked car.”

When police approached his car, they yelled commands; Mr. Hunter did not heed themthen drove toward the police, “trapping one deputy on the passenger side of the car between the gold sedan and the deputies’ car.”

According to police, Hunter then reached toward his waistband. Fearing for their lives, police opened fire, killing Mr. Hunter. A loaded gun was in Mr. Hunter’s possession.

“I’ve been labeled ditzy, overly perky, and smart with a wild streak,” Ms. Walker writes, talking about what happened to her and what happened to Mr. Hunter. “My white privilege dictates that, more often than not, those assumptions won’t harm me. In fact, they often benefit me.”

She continues, “The police’s implicit biases have taught large pockets of the black community to be suspicious and combative. This creates a vicious cycle of fear and violence.”

Ms. Walker concludes, “The way our justice system is supposed to be set up, you are innocent until proven guilty. Honestly, that’s been my experience. For many black people, it’s the opposite. Their guilt is assumed; they have to prove their innocence.”

IOTW Report was the first to cover Ms. Walker’s article.

36 Comments on HuffPo Writer: Getting Black-Out Drunk, Arrested, and Losing Job an Example of “White Privilege”

  1. OK. You win. You’re disgusting with all your privilege.

    Please stop it immediately.

    Quit your job so someone else can have it.

    Please keep paying your house rent or payment but let someone else that’s less privileged live there rent free.

    Never mind any conflicts between quitting work and the obligation to keep paying – that’s just your white privilege whining. Cut it out.

    Also, slit your throat you nasty white-privileged person. Your suffering and the inequality will end then. I promise.



    SOTS (Sick Of This Shit)

  2. As a white male Christian Conservative businessman I don’t even bother to deny my privilege. Of course I’m privileged. I think it’s undeniable the system gives me economic and political advantage. But then in every time and place *somebody* has been top dog. The important question is not if there will be a top dog but how just is their rule. On the whole, in the context of human history, all things considered (anything so I don’t have to hear, “ya, but what about slavery and the Indians”) nothing has ever come close to the white American Patriarchy’s willingness and efforts to relinquish it’s own power to provide a better life for others. Us white boys have a proud heritage and should be bragging no apologizing.

  3. Hey toots, under Patriarchal rule we have become the wealthiest freest most just Country the world has ever known. Millions risk everything to walk here every year because of that fact. I for one have no intention of being ashamed of this record or surrendering to the forces of darkness demanding my head just because they think it’s their turn at the top. Consider the options to Patriarchal rule. Events look to replace the Constitution of those old white men with an ideology who’s main legacy is sending 100 million souls to their graves in the 20th century alone.

    Now get out there and cook me dinner!

  4. If only we could think of some inducement that would permit loading up these people en masse and dropping them off at a point in far northern Greenland, and not feel guilty toward the Greenlanders, should any of them make it back to civilization.

    It would save everyone the massive headaches that ensue having to deal with them.

  5. Just the other day at my local WalMart. 6-8 squad cars, a lot of yelling and cussing as I approached the entrance, clearly a black man. Customers walking back to their cars to get away and I see 6-8 cope dragging the bitching black man out.

    I’m not scared, walked right past. He was yelling, get the muther fucker in the white shirt, I needs him. You blue shirted muther fuckers always keeping a black man down, you know how a black man shtruggles? Hospital? etc. As I walked by I clearly noted, no handcuffs on the goof!

    Inside, 3-4 managers giving a statement to cops, I get my coffee from the DD kiosk and walk out. Still surrounded, belligerent as hell. still screaming, still no handcuffs on the goof!

    I have better things, so I left.

    Then I was reminded of an event 10+ years ago, same town where I had a run in with a cop in a store. It was near Christmas and the parking lot was full at China’R’Us, but I craftily found a spot along the building out of everyone’s way. Only some parking lot attendant/guard saw me walking away and bitched. Not in the mood, I told him to ticket or tow it, I’d probably be gone before a tow anyway. Besides where I parked, I was not impeding or bothering anyone in any way and I was a customer of said store.

    5-6 minutes after walking inside I get approached by 2 cops. They want you to move. Really? Well I’m on my way out in a few minutes. Fucker said he would cuff and arrest me right there. Really?

  6. She made some startling discoveries? So did I reading her article–she’s an idiot! If you think being a white girl and passing out in any way compares with drunk driving, evading police, pinning a cop WITH YOUR CAR, reaching for a weapon, and being male, you should take some aspirin immediately because it must be physically painful to be that stupid. Seriously. Your white privilege is that the Huffington Post publishes your idiocy.

  7. Duh! I was thinking the REAL white privilege here was the idiot parents bailing out their precious snowflake. I would have told her to eff herself and then hopped the next plane to Miami to prove the point.

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