HuffPoo says being in the military makes you racist – IOTW Report

HuffPoo says being in the military makes you racist


In the wake of Charlottesville, liberals have returned to their favorite topic of racism, and which right-wing institution is to blame.

According to Huffington Post writer David Fagin, becoming a racist is an unfortunate side effect of serving in the U.S. military. His hypothesis is based on Vice News’ Elle Reeve’s reporting that she met a few Iraqi War veterans at the Unite the Right rally, as well as his own experience with a prejudiced uncle who would make off-color comments about minorities. Fagin’s uncle reportedly blames these comments on his 40 years with the NYPD.

“To think that even a small portion of them are returning from duty harboring feelings of such intense anger and disgust toward anyone who isn’t white, leads one to believe the military isn’t doing enough in the area of outreach, post-discharge.”

While he couldn’t provide any actual statistics to prove that his theory was correct, Fagin found someone to blame for this: President Trump.  More

24 Comments on HuffPoo says being in the military makes you racist

  1. The uncle or one of his sons should bash this homos skull in for dragging him into his gay homo propaganda. Labels the uncle a racist and then expects that will get him in the pants of young black homos at the gay bar. Sick.

  2. Progressives are idiots. The families and descendants of those whose grandparents literally killed Nazis and stopped fascism are now being called Nazis and fascists.

  3. I worked with a guy who was raised in a strictly white surrounding.
    Didn’t have even a tiny trace of racism.
    He bought a house in a highly integrated multi-culti area of town.
    Why not?
    Within one year he was pretty racist.
    Why do they do this, or that thing, he would say. They are always …
    So maybe there is something to this claim the military makes people racist.
    The military just might be the first exposure of some people to other races, and they don’t like the experience.

  4. In my experience being a cop, judge, or in some other law enforcement-related job tends, over time, to make one view everybody with suspicion and a certain amount of prejudice, because of all the bad actors they come in contact with on a daily basis. One has to be very careful not to let it harden them toward their fellow man.

    We are not born prejudiced, but we’re fast learners.

  5. Who is more tolerant of who? whites toward blacks or vice versa? Because of the culture blacks cling to it makes many of them difficult to interact with. Any innocent phrase can be offensive when all they hear is digested through a racial mindset. People would rather avoid that possibility. Many also harbor a deep anger and project it outward toward whites. No matter how much good will is demonstrated, there is no middle ground. Phuck em.

  6. Blacks have been using the excuse of “racism and slavery” for all their socially abhorrent and criminal behavior for the last 150 years. They are their own worst enemy.

  7. Last year, this screamer would have written about about how wonderfully progressive the military had become, thanks to Obama. If Hillary had won, this dolt would be telling us how the armed forces were the cutting edge of social justice. So don’t be alarmed by my eyeballs. They’ll roll back down in a minute

  8. My experience in the Military doesn’t fit David Faggin’s narrative.
    All the folks I served with were OD Green.
    When your life and the guys next to you are dependent upon each other for survival, color means nothing. Character, knowledge, experience, discipline, reliability and training is everything.
    By far the majority of the men and women who have served this Nation in the military are the least of this nation’s problems. Ethnicity isn’t a criteria considered in the equation and shouldn’t be.

  9. Mr. Anth Ropey: You may be correct. After at least 40 years of affirmitive action in the military, it is obvious to anyone who has served, that there are two separate paths toward advancement, one for minorities and one for whites. Take, for example, weight requirements. Tour any military base and you will see overweight (sometimes morbidly obese) blacks, while whites are required to meet the standard. This is how you create racism where none existed before.

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