HUGE!! Obama cyber chief confirms ‘stand down’ order against Russian cyberattacks in summer 2016 – IOTW Report

HUGE!! Obama cyber chief confirms ‘stand down’ order against Russian cyberattacks in summer 2016

Whoopsy Daisy-


WASHINGTON — The Obama White House’s chief cyber official testified Wednesday that proposals he was developing to counter Russia’s attack on the U.S. presidential election were put on a “back burner” after he was ordered to “stand down” his efforts in the summer of 2016.

The comments by Michael Daniel, who served as White House “cyber security coordinator” between 2012 and January of last year, provided his first public confirmation of a much-discussed passage in the book, “Russian Roulette: The Inside Story of Putin’s War on America and the Election of Donald Trump,” co-written by this reporter and David Corn, that detailed his thwarted efforts to respond to the Russian attack.

Sen. James Risch, R-Idaho, asked about a “Russian Roulette” passage in which one of Daniel’s staff members, Daniel Prieto, recounted a staff meeting shortly after the cyber coordinator was ordered by Susan Rice, President Obama’s national security adviser, to stop his efforts and “stand down.” This order was in part because Rice feared the options would leak and “box the president in.”

“I was incredulous and in disbelief,” Prieto is quoted as saying in the book. “It took me a moment to process. In my head, I was like, did I hear that correctly?” Prieto told the authors he then spoke up, asking Daniel: “Why the hell are we standing down? Michael, can you help us understand?”

Daniel has confirmed that the account was “an accurate rendering of what happened” in his staff meeting.

Instead, Obama officials chose another course of action after becoming frustrated that Republican leaders on Capitol Hill would not endorse a bipartisan statement condemning Russian interference and fearful that any unilateral action by them would feed then candidate Donald Trump’s claims that the election was rigged. They chose a private “stern” warning by Obama to Russian President Vladimir Putin at a summit in China in early September 2016 to stop his country’s campaign to disrupt the U.S. election.


ht/ Little Joe  Twitter- @joabei11

66 Comments on HUGE!! Obama cyber chief confirms ‘stand down’ order against Russian cyberattacks in summer 2016

  1. By all means, keep reporting on the scum, slime and detritus that keeps coming the top of the swamp, but let’s no one have any illusions that anyone of consequence will be jailed for it.

  2. Nothing happens?

    We have the senate.
    We have congress.
    We have SCOTUS.

    We win these midterms and you’ll see a big change in DC, in our favor. BIG LEAGUE.

  3. “We win these midterms and you’ll see a big change in DC, in our favor. BIG LEAGUE.”

    Fur, I love ya man but we’ve told ourselves that before, more than once, and we get screwed. Like the guy used to post every day over at Ace, “The GOP will betray you.” And he was right.

    However, let’s see what happens.

    But if midterms are sweep for Republicans and STILL nothing of consequence ends up happening, I think we would all have to agree that we are truly, royally and permanently screwed beyond any chance of unscrewing. But again…wait and see.

  4. BFH- from your mouth to God’s ears.

    The Republic needs to see top tier people in prison. What Nixon did is a joke in comparison to what has been going on since Bill to the present. Everyone knows it. You can feel the excrement in the air there is so much of it. But will it happen? I pray to God it will.

  5. Winning for the next 2 decades and getting reforms, legislation, bench rulings, in our favor is all that matters.
    I do not need to see Hillary go to jail, if that is what is being implied that is sorely lacking.
    We are winning every day, but some choose to be negative. You can stay that way, it’s a free country.
    I’d rather project a feeling of joy surrounding what Trump has accomplished in a year and a half.
    I have no idea why you feel we are being screwed.

  6. I remember laying in bed early Wednesday morning November 9 2016 watching the election returns when DJT was declared the winner and I started crying tears of joy. My prayers and prayers of many others were answered. To this day every morning I thank God Hillary lost. I know this is just the start of many more great days ahead. I only hope they left room at Mt. Rushmore for maybe the greatest President of my life time and I’m almost 62.

  7. It seems to me that the total defeat of the Libtard machine is within reach.
    Trump chewed on RINO’s during his “Closed Door Meeting”. Naturally it was leaked. You can review that here.

    Chuckie Schumer said, Trump can fix this with a pen, I’ll let him borrow mine. So Trump fixed it with a pen. Trump knows that EO will get stopped in court before the week end. Who owns the border crisis now? The timing for all this to happen seems pretty good for November.

  8. Before we give Yahoo news too much credit, the story seems to blame congressional Republicans for not letting Obozo do more, and then Obozo talked tough to Vlad, and the Russians backed down in September of 2016.

  9. and the Russians backed down in September of 2016.>>>

    That would put the timeline squarely at the fault and feet of Barack Hussein Obama if the Russians had anything to do at all with affecting the outcome of our election.
    Republicans didn’t tell “their people” to stand down. That was Obama telling his people.

  10. Two things you have to believe in order to think this news favors the left-

    -that Russia influenced the election.
    -that Obama didn’t think the election was in the bag for Hillary.

    The investigation into collusion has to include why Obama took this course of action.
    It was for POLITICAL reasons, and now that Hillary lost they want to take the bite of the apple and say they are doing so for “the good of the nation.”

  11. The reason 0bama told his people to stand down was because it was his “insurance” policy against Trump if he got close enough to snatch Hillary by her weave. In the meantime, he told the morons at the DNC take Bernie out because he’s low hanging fruit.

  12. With all respect, some BIG and GUILTY people need to be sent up as an example to everyone who lives in fear that we’re no longer a nation of laws. I am very much included in that set. We MUST have faith in that restored, and soon. All the other “winning” is secondary at best when compared to the dread that there are NO laws above a certain level of income, or high levels of political influence, or for certain colors of skin or sexual perversion. That way lies bitterness and despair, and desperation results in much blood, sooner or later.

  13. Remember when we gave the Republicans the majority in the House in 2012 and the Republicans did nothing?
    Remember when we gave the Republicans the majority in the Senate in 2012 and the Republicans did nothing?
    That’s why Americans elected a businessman for President in 2016.
    That President has been keeping campaign promises and winning ever since.
    Americans remember that and see what is going on more and more every day. Just look at his approval rating. Anyone who is feeling that we’re getting screwed needs to keep that in perspective and an obligation to tell others! We aren’t going to win this by thinking we are screwed because the disingenuous, stinking Media tells us we’re losing. Quite the opposite! However we do have to have patience while President Trump fights one of the biggest meat-grinders I’ve ever seen a President put thru! When he gets his second term let the games and prosecutions begin… if we’re not busy with a Civil War!

  14. Mr. Hat,
    I understand your euphoria, but the fact is that it’s President Trump and the Deplorables vs. the Senate AND the House AND the SCROTUS AND the Media AND Academia AND Hollyweird AND England AND Ireland AND Germany AND China AND &c. &c. &c.

    Not that we haven’t accomplished much, but that the forces arrayed against us are formidable.

    izlamo delenda est …

  15. No, it doesn’t help the left at all.
    They pounded russian interference for a whole year and now all of a sudden we find out 0bama said, “meh” and let it go. Two ways the public sees this:
    1. 0bama lied.
    2. 0bama lied.

  16. Really? You’re the one who just said you don’t need to see Clinton sent up. What gives with that attitude? All we’re saying is, justice HAS to prevail on this EVENTUALLY so people know there still IS justice. Because if there isn’t, THEN a lot of people will say, aw, F it. That’s when the lights start going out for good.

    We’re coming up on a real crisis point. “No justice, no peace” ain’t it. It’s “No justice, NO NATION.” And that’s a fact.

  17. As for the Øbamboozler, this soap opera of “As the Onion Peels” reveals more and more every day what an absolute piece of shit Jeramiah Wright’s God-Damn America-hating, jug-eared, dog-eating, Gay-obsessed, Lying-Denying, Treasury-looting, economy-wrecking, Bullgarian-speaking, process-circumventing, lawless-autocratic, productivity-obstructing, Al-Qaeda-appeasing, Benghazi-bullshitting, phoney-baloney, plastic-banana republic, Tranny-Commie-loving Marxist Muzlim Mallard truly is! That man’s chickezzzzzzzzzz are comin home to Rooooooooooooooost!!

  18. I agree with grool. People need to be jailed. This is a criminal conspiracy and…….THE REAL COLLUSION…..not some phony Russian bs with DT. They were he ones trying to influence and now, overturn a rightfully elected President. The media is complicit as well.

  19. grool- It would be lovely if hillary is sent up. But the country doesn’t end because she’s not under fort leavenworth. This isn’t about hillary getting sent up, though. This is about hillary is not president. This is about making it so that the VOTERS SEE what the hell we’ve been complaining about. And now because of Trump, we are ALL seeing shit even Conservatives didn’t know was happening. This is how you convince people not to vote left, not to buy into victimization and bullshit. This is how you get people to pay attention to shit happening around them and not make gubmint their god. If we do get our Red Wave in November, they may not be putting these criminals in jail, but they can certainly wreck their shit hard enough so that they don’t enjoy the rest of their lives. There’s more than one way to skin those pussies.

  20. Really? You’re the one who just said you don’t need to see Clinton sent up. What gives with that attitude?>>>>>>

    Attitude???? Really, my “attitude”?
    I said it’s not required of me to see Hillary jailed to prevent me from being a negative Ned who sounds like they are ready to give up on everything because all hope is lost.
    I disagree.

    I didn’t say I didn’t want her indicted and jailed. I’m just not going to lay down and say to the left, “here, take it. There is no more country left as far as I’m concerned.”

  21. I agree with grool. People need to be jailed. >>>

    Who on the right DOESN’T feel that way?
    I’m just not going to give up on everything if it doesn’t happen.

    That’s far different than what I think is being ascribed to me by my supposed “attitude.”

  22. MJA,

    It’s not just about Clinton. It’s not just about her not being POTUS. It’s much broader than that now, and it’s all their fault. A lot of Americans know what has been done not just to neutralize and destroy President Trump but crimes and treason going way back before his election. If they see all this circus but no one ends up punished…

    …and that’s AFTER they saw the IRS and FBI weaponized against American citizens…

    …that will be the proof that there is no “and justice for all.” Rule of law officially ENDS.


    “Who on the right DOESN’T feel that way?
    I’m just not going to give up on everything if it doesn’t happen.”

    But a hell of a lot of citizens very probably will. Not sure I would but could you blame them if they did? I couldn’t.

  23. Ain’t nobody listen to the song he plays at the end of EVERY rally?
    “You can’t always get what you want-but if you try sometimes, you get what you need”
    I would much, much rather suffer the torment of watching that fat Harpy Hilary grow old and fat and die in her own bed, than to go through all that and have the liberals win in 2020 and reverse our course from the path from sovereignty to globalism with some liberal idiot like Kamala Harris or Fauxahauntus presiding over our downfall

  24. “I didn’t say I didn’t want her indicted and jailed. I’m just not going to lay down and say to the left, “here, take it. There is no more country left as far as I’m concerned.”


    A lot of people will, not only for that very reason, but because the lack of prosecution and justice will only further both the Swamp to step on our rights, and the Left to go back to getting in our faces because they’ll know the Swamp has their back, and it is virtually all-powerful, and we, powerless.

    I am dead serious afraid that that’s a very likely possibility if justice is not served on someone high on the Swamp food chain.

    If laws don’t apply to everyone, they end up applying to no one. Especially in a heavily armed society.

  25. He’s been the “Stand Down” president since, at least, Benghazi. No surprise it was applied everywhere he needed it to wreck America.

    I was thinking a civil war would be short and only involve the traitorous media and less than a 1,000 treasonous Deep Staters. Just a scattershot guess on the numbers. But even if wildly off, I don’t think it will be like the Blue & Gray war at all with uniforms and such. Maybe some guerilla action will be the worst of it and put some innocent, God fearing people in the grave before the public at large gets riled up.

    My reasoning is that the rabid left is really an extreme minority that I don’t run into except for the few places they hang out at.

    I’m thinking the average American is going to go along with the dominate side after the dust settles. The passion is only with the crazies. Not the normals.

    If the traitorous Commies in the media aren’t dealt with first, then it’s all BS.

  26. A wise man once said “The wheels of justice turn slowly”
    We’re not even halfway thru President Trumps 1st term.
    It takes time and patience, especially when the other side is fighting hammer and tong and throwing everything including the kitchen sink at us! I do however take quite a bit of pleasure in seeing how riled up they are. We on to something, they know it and they’re starting to slip in their own shit backpedalling all those lies! Pass the popcorn please.

  27. Nobody’s going to jail. No one will put an ex president or a high level official from the executive branch in prison because they’re afraid it could happen to one of them, too.
    Why weren’t any of the previous presidents who did heinous shit imprisoned?

    This is why we do to them what mueller’s trying to do to Trump. Only WE have good, legal reasons for it. Torture them, make their lives hell. In prison, they’ll be laying around getting fat in a country club setting. Nay nay, we must beat them down on the outside so they can feel it.
    That’s why we have to keep exposing them to the voters.

    Who’s gonna arrest hillary? lol. You know someone in the FBI? The DOJ who is going to do it? They have to be replaced, reformed with people that WILL do that job. We don’t have those people, as you could see in the IG report.

    Yes, these bitches should be in jail. It ain’t gonna happen while we have Muellers and Wrays around.

    In the meantime, Trump is doing his thing, winning voters to our side through economy, foreign policy and whatever. Focus on that. If we get FBI and CIA and DOJ reformed, even just part of the way, people like hillary would be in jail before she left Arkansas and people like 0bama would never become president.

  28. “A wise man once said “The wheels of justice turn slowly”

    At this point, as long as we can know they’re turning at all, it’s enough for now.

    No matter what happens, I know that God will someday break all wickedness like a stick, according to Job, and reveal all the secrets of men. Maranatha, I say. But I still have to live here in the meantime. Vexed, that’s what I am. Vexed sore.

  29. Dadof4 exactly. There is more of US than them.
    They only look bigger because of hollywood and the leftmedia’s megaphones.
    Hollywood is fakery and illusions and leftmedia is the same thing.
    People are seeing them for what they are, people are calling them on it. they know it to be true because they are acting Supremely CRAZY. They’re setting themselves on fire and it’s hilarious.

  30. They’re losing, we’re winning. Comey just got his dick caught in a wringer too.

    I see wins, wins, wins. The left only offers the foul mouthed wisdom of Fonda, DeNiro, Griffith, Mahrer, CNN lies, and 75% of the population knows it.

  31. David Corn was behind the ‘47% story’ that damaged Romneys’ admittedly feeble attempt to oust Obama. He works for The Nation, MSNBC, Washington Post and Mother Jones and now that he’s onto a story favoring conservatives we are to embrace him as a paragon of journalistic integrity. Please.

  32. Don’t forget that the Media (and Hollyweird) will gladly hold up those little doggie treats called “Politicians” just to keep the heat off of them, but don’t lose focus. Yes the Pols are bad, but the media and their tools in Hollywood are ones pouring the gasoline on the fire! They’re the real enemy. The Pols are the ones with the wet finger.

  33. The people and the voters who never paid attention are seeing Trump do
    ‘miraculous things’ and they’re confused as to why the hell the FBI is trying to nail him on nothing, AND they see the FBI themselves are damaged and dirty. That, right there is a pro-Conservative political ad that will last through the ages. lol. Every time the FBI and them go digging, they find their own bodies.

  34. BFH,

    The Senate – unreliable and part of the problem to begin with. What is the average age. GOT term limits?
    House – Hmmm maybe?
    SCOTUS – unreliable until we get more appointments and even then…can you say Souter?

    I am in the lock her up crowd, even though IF it were to begin to actually happen, the leftists would SCREAM like banshees, “but she’s too sick!” Too Sick to Fail and or Jail.

    We all here, day after day after day, have to hear yet another story of how MASSIVE (opposite of smidgen) the corruption under Hussein was.

    Neo-libs at work and family never heard of IOTW (or pick your other fave source of news). Yous make it funny that is why i’m a here!


    Now this said, We the People are in a Catch-22 warp.

    We got EFFEF regardless what happened/is happening/or does not happen.

    I need to know that it’s MORE than knowing we have DJT as POTUS, knowing he is doing things here and abroad, I want MORE.

    I want some civic justice. We are a country of laws not men.

    Examples need to be made of.

    My hope is that POTUS corners them and makes them confess to their crimes on pay per view to pay for the wall.

    We can make the AngryDemocrat-13 Gang work as unpaid laborers.

    Maintain low expectations though…


  35. “…a story favoring conservatives we are to embrace him as a paragon of journalistic integrity. Please.”

    Anonymous, what are you going on about??? Who here is embracing david corn? Are you seeing a parade in his honor here? Someone just spilled dirt on 0bama, and he prints it, but we’re supposed to ignore the words, because ‘david corn’s name is on the book? Who cares?

    “The Obama White House’s chief cyber official testified Wednesday”
    He testified on it.

  36. About 30 – 35% of the US population are brain-washed, brain-dead, dumbed-down, self-absorbed, spoon-fed, celebrity-obsessed, White guilt-ridden, Birkenstock-wearing, bottled-water-drinking, kumbaya-singing, Xanax-disabled, Rainbow Plantation, COEXIST bumper-sticker, Leftist Liberal morons, wandering aimlessly around in the haze of Politically Correctness or unemployed, uninformed, barely aware, dope-smoking, Food-Stamp wielding, Escalade driving, Kool-Aid drinking, government-dependent, entitlement-rich, free-shit-grabbing, short-attention span Lo Foz who will never change. There is no hope (or change) for them. We have to focus on the ones who can think and can maybe understand how badly they’ve been duped by democRATs!

  37. “We have to focus on the ones who can think and can maybe understand how badly they’ve been duped by democRATs!”
    I agree. Sometimes I talk to libs who don’t even realize they’re not libs. LOL. When you gently call them on it, you will find out they only vote dem to be on some bandwagon or they’ll say they don’t vote at all. They just know they’re libs, though. Gaaah.

  38. “There’s more than one way to skin those pussies.”

    MJA, lmao, yer a treasure!

    I ain’t sure whether you mean hunting, bagging & skinning a cat … or someone of the female persuasion riding down a bannister that hasn’t recently been polished
    … thanks for the laugh …. (still laughing!)

  39. “I ain’t sure whether you mean hunting, bagging & skinning a cat … or someone of the female persuasion riding down a bannister that hasn’t recently been polished.”

    Yes. *giggles*

  40. “Sometimes I talk to libs who don’t even realize they’re not libs.”

    LOL! YES! I have a particular customer in mind. It’s like he has two minds that don’t talk to each other.

    Him: what do you think about preppers?

    Me, knowing his double garage is stocked better than a country mom & pop store: How long do you think you could go without shopping for food?

    Him: About a year.

    Me: You’re the biggest prepper I know. I think you’re doing it right.

    Another time he told me all about how he fought the electric company putting a smart meter on his house. Later, he told me about his fight with the city harassing him over a car in his driveway and his leaning wood fence. “Damn if the city is going to tell me what to do!”

    Then has the audacity to say IRS-care was a good thing. Only because the left likes it and the right doesn’t, though. Not acknowledging he hates the Govt forcing their edicts on him. Too easy.

    Him: “Do you believe in Climate change?”

    Me: Could you tell me again about how all your retirement funds are in oil? One of these days you’re going to wake up to the fact you vote against yourself.

  41. “Awwww then fuck it. They win.”

    Not my intent. The schools, the media, the “brain trusts,” Academia, Hollyweird, ALL of these things must be informed – educated, if you will – to the beauties and Liberties of Freedom – and what THAT actually means. America is blessed that Mr. Trump decided to become President Trump, but, while one man may destroy much (History is replete with examples), to build and (more importantly) to MAINTAIN the blessings of Liberty require an informed and committed populace who BELIEVE in the blessings of Liberty and understand the costs.

    Any great endeavor demands planning and execution. You wouldn’t dream of climbing Everest in Lederhosen and sneakers, would you? Well, President Trump should be seen as a possibility of, an initiation towards, regaining the Republic. The lie of nihilism, the lie of socialism, must (somehow) be shown to be the lies they are.
    “You don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone” isn’t just a cliche.

    All I was getting at was to recognize what we’re up against – not a plea to surrender.

    Sorry I was unclear.

    izlamo delenda est …

  42. Tim.
    There’s no apologizing in iOtwball.
    Especially when you didn’t do anything to apologize for.

    Switching gears to anonymous-

    I’m still trying to figure out how I’ve held up David Corn as a paragon of journalistic integrity.
    The info he wrote about, that Obama ordered a stand down on rooting out Russian infiltration, was just verified through testimony in congress.

    So, whatever you think of David Corn (I hate him) ((Published pieces calling him David Corn in My Shit) the info he had was correct.

    So why would I dismiss it? Especially when it shows that

    They didn’t want to pursue it because it was Trump saying the election was being rigged and they didn’t want Trump to have any fuel for this charge.

    They thought Hillary was going to win, so it didn’t matter.

    So if Mueller is investigating Russian collusion, shouldn’t Obama be called to testify about why he didn’t do anything about Russian interference?

    I’m to ignore all of this because David Korn was the source?

    That makes NO SENSE.
    You sound like the left when they dismiss facts because it was reported on Fox.
    Don’t be that guy.

  43. Grool,

    Don’t be a whining bitch!

    Do you not know what the AG, DOJ IG, and USA Huber have been up to that last 8 month? Huber empaneled a grand jury, and Session is hiring 300 assistant US attorneys. Read Sessions answers to inquiries. He has stated what they are investigating. Do you expect to hear it on ABC or CBS?

    The first IG report released was modified. The executive summary was BS didn’t match the facts. The next 4 IG reports are going to be devastating.

    It takes a long time to build a criminal case, and the numbers here are staggering.

    Trump and Sessions have cleaned out the old corrupt leadership of the FBI and DOJ. This had to be done first. Only Rosenstein is left, and he will be going after the next IG report is released. The next step is to get Trump appointed judges in place. They get one shot to convict and everything must be in place.


  44. I’d rather project a feeling of joy surrounding what Trump has accomplished in a year and a half.

    I feel it each and every day. I just pray he, with his winning, and we with our determination can buy us all enough time to effect a consequential change. Millions of people voted for preezy the second time. Millions of people obtained degrees of dubious (if not pernicious) value from the uni-incubator system and will be hard-pressed to engage in the self-examination required to have an epiphany. Millions, though fewer than before, are still on the dole, even with ‘help wanted’ signs up in every_single_store I’ve been in lately.

    A battleship can’t do a hairpin U-turn in the middle of the ocean. Time and heart, and just maybe we won’t see CWII.

  45. Lively discussion! Makes for good reading.
    I appreciate President Trump, and long for truth and justice.
    The drip, drip pace is hard to take, and makes it hard to be patient. This in turn causes a certain amount of stress. There has been such a long history of no accountability in government.
    It is easy to think things will be no different now. But the old ways are being shaken. They are being challenged. Nobody wins forever. I believe the deep state is going to be taken down.

  46. @grool June 20, 2018 at 7:01 pm

    > With all respect, some BIG and GUILTY people need to be sent up as an example to everyone who lives in fear that we’re no longer a nation of laws. I am very much included in that set. We MUST have faith in that restored

    (sigh) The truth will not set you free.

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