Huma Abedin Told FBI She Was Not Aware of Hillary’s Private Server (She Was) – IOTW Report

Huma Abedin Told FBI She Was Not Aware of Hillary’s Private Server (She Was)

Breitbart: WASHINGTON, D.C. — Huma Abedin told the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) that she did not know that Hillary Clinton used a private email server until after she stopped working at the State Department.

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But according to former Bill Clinton adviser Justin Cooper, whose recollections are cited in the bombshell FBI investigation notes dumped Friday, Abedin was actually the one who came up with the idea for Clinton to go to great lengths to set up a non-secure private server.

As noted by Paul Ryan adviser Michael Shapiro, Abedin hadher own account, so how could she have possibly been in the dark about what was going on?  MORE

22 Comments on Huma Abedin Told FBI She Was Not Aware of Hillary’s Private Server (She Was)

  1. Bart Simpson: “I didn’t do it. Nobody saw me do it. You can’t prove it.”

    Huma Rugmuncher: “I don’t recall doing it. I don’t recall anybody seeing me do it. You can’t prove what I don’t recall.”

  2. It’s such an indictment-rich environment, the pressure on the FBI to hang someone has got to be enormous. Look for Comey to target a scapegoat.

    Hmmmm, maybe Huma? Would Hill throw Huma under the bus? Hillary would throw her mother under a bus if she had to. Huma could always plead that her husband’s antics made her nuts. Call it the Wild Weiner defense.

  3. Gee Wally, she sure is a strange looking aberration.

    No Beave, she’s just a muzlim botherhood plant sent here to watch over the Arab’s precious investment commonly referred to as the Clintons!

    Can I still call her Huma Aberration?

    You can probably call her gone if Trump wins!

  4. Just when you think the FBI can’t sink any lower, wham! No wonder they didn’t want to release the notes! If not self-incriminating, it, at the least, makes them look like keystone cops.

    This level of ‘investigative’ work should put fear in America.

    It clearly delineates that the ELYSIUM of DC have a set of rules and standards for themselves and they close in the circle when the common populace, their employers, start to smell the pile of greedy, self-enriching elitist SHIT that they live and work in.

    It is absolutely impossible to make up or imagine, the low levels of depravity, grifting, and lack of ethics that has become our American government.

    Make no mistake, ” FUNDRAISING” really is the elitist circling the wagons and auctioning off America and exemptions for themselves. The high BIDS (extreme cost for a ‘plate’) are the tickets into the auction.


  5. Ever notice when a lib lies they use those catchy phrases like ” I misspoke ” ” I must have short circuited” ” I must have remembered it differently” ” I am a complete and utter liar who only does so to increase my power and influence to crush everyones hopes and expectations and further my ambitions”…..well maybe not the last one…..EVER!!!!!!!!

  6. Accuser: “I can produce 3 people who saw you commit the murder!”

    Huma Abedin/HRC: “And I can produce 50 people who didn’t!”

    Comey: “No sensible Prosecutor would pursue this case.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. The FBI could redeem themselves in one simple step: Threaten Huma with Federal prison, flip her, and get her to spill her guts about Hillary. Everything she knows, under oath. Preferably before a Congressional committee.

    Yeah. Two chances, right?

  8. Huma lies: “I did not know that Secretary Clinton used a private server.”

    Anthony lies: “…..promise to love, honor and cherish……forsaking all others……”

    That poor kid doesn’t have a chance.

  9. Lies are in the Clintoon Platform as main planks. As for taking care of the Grifter Clintoons, Special prosecutors answering to Congress, and District court judges, not SCOTUS and not Trey Gouga. Penalties on conviction set at death, no pardons, prezzy or otherwise, no commutation of sentences, just carry them out and quickly. This would be for Cankles, Bill, Chelsyhorseface, Abedin, the Attorney General, the Director of the FBI, Soros, Barky, ValJar. Add any others complicit in the attempted overthrow of our Constitution, including Congress Critters.

  10. How any of these actors, the perpeTRAITORS, their enablers, their excusers, can face military families, veterans, current officers, is beyond me.

    If they are not clearly indicted, prosecuted and punished to the fullest degree, they we should just CANCEL next year’s Memorial Day holiday.
    Instead of fireworks displays it would be fitting to blow up worthless bureaucratic offices, to honor our fallen patriots.

  11. Scotter Libby had a different recollection of a several year old telephone conversation than a left wing TV hack and is convicted of obstruction, looses his attorney’s license, etc. All over an inconsequential investigation that should have ended on day one when the name of the guilty party became known. Who, BTW, did not suffer any consequences for his actions. The Clinton Crime Family, supported and covered by Obama on down the line, openly lies about everything, places American security interests at risk to raise millions for their personal slush fund and all without fear of consequence. So much for equal Justice for all. Just incredible! A total mockery of American values.

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