Huma knows she’s in trouble – IOTW Report

Huma knows she’s in trouble

Patriot Retort: Huma Abedin and Pervy Weiner have decided not to get divorced.

But I doubt it’s some storybook “stand by your man” kinda thing.

No. It’s more practical than that.

If I had to guess, I’d say Huma knows that she’s in some legal trouble.

And the best way to neutralize any cooperation on the part of her pervy husband is to remain married.

Spousal privilege and all that.  read more


9 Comments on Huma knows she’s in trouble

  1. Then again, just because he can’t be compelled to testify does not not mean he can’t do it voluntarily.

    It is probably a combination of stopping the divorce along with an invitation to take a walk in Fort Marcy Park that will keep Oscar Meyer quiet.

  2. 🕯 I light a candle every night hoping a democrat–ANY democrat is ever held accountable for anything.

    🕯 I’ve run out of money, and am now taking donations…

  3. So, uh, the Human Gargoyle Hooooma, who bears some resemblance to the satanic nanny in “The Omen” , who Is looking at 50 to Ten Zillion, now has legal trouble dwarfing that of her slimey Perv Political huckster male concuswine. How Poetic.

  4. Always suspected Gores divorced for the opposite reason. At the time, over a dozen states were talking about suing billionaire Gore over global warming fraud. Well goll darn it? Waddya know. The Gores go their own way, splitting the loot. So now if states win, they can only get half of snake oil Al’s loot.

  5. Spousal priviledge can vary from state to state but as I understand if they are both charged then priviledge can be dissolved. As mentioned in the story it’s not compulsary so Weiner might decide to step into her as there’s nothing for him in the Democrat party and he may be touch bitter over Clinton and the wife getting away with their crimes while he feel’s like he was left twisting in the wind. Not saying he’s right but it might be the way he feels and the DOJ attorneys ought to be able to work on that.

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