Hume: Trump Jr.’s Meeting With Russian Lawyer Was a ‘Farce, ‘Almost Laughable’ — Not Collusion – IOTW Report

Hume: Trump Jr.’s Meeting With Russian Lawyer Was a ‘Farce, ‘Almost Laughable’ — Not Collusion


Monday on Fox News Channel’s “Special Report,” Fox News senior political analyst Brit Hume said the meeting between Donald Trump Jr. and a Russian lawyer had “the element of a farce.”

Hume said, “The meeting probably went nowhere. The whole thing has the element of a farce.”

He continued, “I would be more concerned if the episodes themselves, the meetings turned out to be some substantive meeting in the sense they pointed in the direction that there were some cooperation and collusion going on. So far what we’ve seen doesn’t seem to do that. And it’s not hard for me to imagine people associated with the president’s campaign might have forgotten them. This meeting seems to be eminently forgettable, almost laughable.”

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10 Comments on Hume: Trump Jr.’s Meeting With Russian Lawyer Was a ‘Farce, ‘Almost Laughable’ — Not Collusion

  1. Man am I ever getting tired of this nonstory.

    It’s a ludicrous premise in the first place, that Putin would prefer Trump over Hillary. Putin could walk all over Hillary. Of course he would prefer a weakling like her.
    This meme doesn’t even make sense.

  2. At exactly eleven minutes to seven on 7th 11th of 2017
    “It’s a Spell! Their under a spell.” – Mika Emilie Leonia Brzezinski
    See Emily Play Shadelay
    Mourning One Note He is so scared of Vladimir Putin
    The Record will show the same

  3. Face facts. The Clinton / Obama / / Alinksy Marxist machine comprising of sedition and distraction is having a negative effect on the Trump Agenda.

    So start arresting these people causing the problems. Start giving THEM something to think about.

    This is a serious matter because most of the country can’t begin to think critically where feelings take precedent over FACTS.

    Clinton and Obama are crooks. They are evil incarnate. They are possessed with the destruction of the greatest country to ever exist.

    I’m sick of it.

  4. Brit Hume is an asshack of the worst kind. That he suddenly finds himself on the same side as the Trump admin is undoubtedly a mistake on his part. It works for us but I hate to give him kudos because it’ll just make his next anti-Trump statement seem “fair and balanced” and “professionally objective.”

  5. The MSM put the same effort into finding a crime connected to Trump as to Hillary the swamps would be drained and new prisons would have to be built to accommodate all the convictions.

  6. I liked the last story….

    about the back channel that Kushner or Jr were trying to open with the Russians after the election……

    Why in the hell would any Trump45 person need to open a post election back channel with the Russians…..

    If Trump45 had colluded with the Russians to get elected????

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